Featured Client: Emily Hyland | Writer’s Relief

Featured Client: Emily Hyland | Writer’s Relief

Click on the video above to hear about Emily’s experience with Writer’s Relief!

Between managing her restaurants (Yep! This is the Emily of the Pizza Loves Emily and Emmy Squared national restaurant groups!), teaching, and keeping up a disciplined writing schedule, Emily Hyland is a very busy person! She’s also a well-published writer: Her work has appeared in a multitude of literary journals: Apple Valley Review, armarolla, Belle Ombre, Belletrist Magazine, and The Brooklyn Review, to name just a few.

Read on and watch the video to hear how Writer’s Relief’s expert research capabilities helped Emily save her writing time for exactly that—writing!

In Emily’s Own Words

My writing life changed for the better in 2017, when I cultivated a daily writing practice wherein I free-write or craft a poem every single day. Most of what I write is space-making and clearing the emotional cobwebs from the troves so that the good stuff has room to emerge. And when the good stuff emerges, I polish, share in the weekly writing circle I facilitate, and revise. As many of us are, I used to be incredibly attached to my words and the narrative of my life. The good poems get even better when I take the ego out of the equation and start to really dig in during revision.

So my advice to fellow writers is to write. If you are serious about the practice, be serious. You can’t shoot 98% from the free throw line during game time in a basketball season if you are not shooting hundreds of free throws each day in practice. The practice will sharpen your pencils. And then with those sharp pencils, cross out lines. Reorder words. Let go of lines you want and keep instead what the poem really needs. And write to the nouns! Be specific and get granular. The connective tissue is not the language of abstraction but the language of the particular. Remember, our writing lives ebb and flow. Some periods are rich and generative and some are stale. Be patient, go with the flow, and keep on writing.

I’m definitely a grateful Writer’s Relief client! I just don’t have the stamina to add market research to my writing routine. Letting Writer’s Relief take over the administrative side of my submissions allows me to focus on my creative process instead of the busywork of researching where to send my writing. As a result, I’ve been published over twenty times in just two short years while working with Writer’s Relief.

More About Emily

Emily is the namesake and founder/partner of the Pizza Loves Emily and Emmy Squared national restaurant groups. In addition to restaurant life, she teaches yoga and mindful movement and is an adjunct professor of English at the NYC College of Technology. Her cookbook, Emily: The Cookbook, was published by Ballantine Books, an imprint of Random House, in 2018. Emily’s poetry has also appeared in Mount Hope Magazine, Neologism Poetry Journal, Sixfold, Palette Poetry, The Virginia Normal, and more. She is in the final stages of editing her debut collection of poetry.

You can learn more about Emily at emilyhyland.com.


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