Featured Client: Carol Everett-Adams | Writer’s Relief
Ronnie L. Smith
Writer's Relief: Helping creative writers find literary agents or get published in literary journals
Caption: Click on the video above to hear about Carol’s experience with Writer’s Relief!
Meet one of our most unique featured clients, Carol Everett-Adams—the ultimate Disney fan! It’s not every poet whose writing focuses on “the happiest place on earth,” but Carol decided to be true to herself, no matter how “oddball” that might seem. The result? Her poems have been published in Avalon Literary Review, California Quarterly, Euphony, FRiGG, and Ghost City Review, among others.
Read on and watch the video to hear how the research experts at Writer’s Relief were able to find the right journals for Carol’s distinctive poetry themes and help her get published.
In Carol’s Own Words
I am living proof that you can be—should be!—your own wonderful oddball self when you write. Your authentic work will find a home. For example, Disney inhabits my psyche in weird ways, and much of my poetry explores a lifetime obsession with the parks and movies. The way I explain it to myself is that I have Disney issues, and much of my poetry ends up refracted through that prism.
Writer’s Relief has always supported and encouraged my work, and they gave me the traction I needed to launch myself as a published poet. I can’t imagine where I’d be now without my strategy team’s belief in me, their diligence, and their access to information about journals that I would never have had time to dig through myself. And the proofreading is astounding! If you’re serious about your writing, I urge you to make room in your budget to hire Writer’s Relief. For me, their service has ended up being priceless.
More About Carol
Carol Everett-Adams writes poems about Disney theme parks, organized religion, UFOs, and other strange topics. She lives in the midwestern United States and works in the tech industry. Her poetry has appeared in The MacGuffin, The New York Quarterly, Owen Wister Review, Pennsylvania English, Quercus Review, Soundings East, Sweet Tree Review, The Virginia Normal, Westview, and many other literary journals. Carol believes poems grounded in imagery and memory of specific locations are powerful forces of connection, and is now focused on helping other writers and world travelers create their own Poems of Place.
You can learn more about Carol by visiting her website.