Featured Client: éanlaí Cronin | Writer’s Relief
Ronnie L. Smith
Writer's Relief: Helping creative writers find literary agents or get published in literary journals
éanlaí Cronin insists her love of language and storytelling is rooted in her Irish heritage. But that inborn writing talent didn’t come with an aptitude for making submissions! Fortunately a friend told éanlaí about Writer’s Relief. Now she’s been published in Sweet Tree Review, String Poet, Peregrine, Sinister Wisdom, and other journals. éanlaí also recently qualified for a literary residency at WordSpaceStudios in San Francisco.
Read on and watch the video to hear how having a regular, consistent submission schedule through Writer’s Relief is key to helping éanlaí get her work published.
In éanlaí’s Own Words
My name is éanlaí Cronin. As you can probably guess, I am Irish, and as such, without wishing to sound clichéd, writing is in my blood. Maybe it is more true to say that words, and the search for the right words, is a legacy handed down from generations past whose native tongue was driven out of us by colonizers. Words have literally saved my life.
Twenty years ago, after a severe illness that took me to death’s door, I began to scribble single words onto blank pages, along with snatches of dreams and memories. In those long months and years of convalescence, those morning pages, often no more than a line, anchored me to this earthly plain. Thus began my journey back into my own body, and into the body of my untold stories.
More than two decades later, with craft classes taken from East Coast to West, I found myself with folders of incomplete works and no idea what to do with them. How was I to formulate a plan of action on my own behalf? Each attempt overwhelmed me; from cover letter, to professional bio, to industry standard formatting, to proper journal selection for my poems and essays—it all seemed too much.
My friend and fellow writer, Cécile Pluvinage, a long-time client of Writer’s Relief and now an award-winning short story writer, frequently praised Writer’s Relief as an invaluable asset to her creative endeavors.
Last May, no longer able to stand my own procrastination (and crippling fear), I applied to become a Writer’s Relief client. To my delight, I was accepted! Thus began my writing life anew. Now, I truly have a second wind. Not only do I have help with all the business aspects of submissions and publication that had previously baffled me, but I also have a much-needed, built-in cycle to my writing schedule.
My job now: to complete a finished essay every two months. I do that! Each cycle, a wonderful team of strategists nudges me along to the finish line. Then they choose, with great care, the literary journals that best suit my work.
To date, with the help of Writer’s Relief, I have submitted five essays. FOUR out of the five have been accepted and published. All accomplished in the short span from June 2020 to March 2021. Honestly, I couldn’t have wished for a better result. Writer’s Relief truly knows its stuff. It’s that simple. Plus I don’t feel alone anymore. My only regret: that I did not join Writer’s Relief years ago. It has turned my writing life right around. I plan to stay with them for as long as I have something to write about. And for as long as they will have me!
More About éanlaí
éanlaí’s writing has also appeared in Big Muddy, The Courage to Heal, Entropy Magazine, and The Magic of Memoir. She has spent the last twenty years attending writing workshops across America. She was a Lit Camp Writers Conference scholarship recipient; a Pat Schneider Poetry Contest Honorable Mention winner; long listed in the National Poetry Competition United Kingdom in 2017; a Winner of the Eastern Iowa Review’s Lyric Essay Contest in 2018; and a Top Ten Finalist in the Fish Short Memoir Prize contest in 2018. éanlaí was an elementary schoolteacher for ten years and currently is a writing workshop leader. She enjoys photography, searching for the elusive “perfect chair,” and public speaking.
To learn more about éanlaí and her writing, visit her website.