Feature Friday: Robert Roach
Written By: Ashley Endy
Happy New Year! We’re back here at AGDATA and are gearing up for an exciting 2020! One of the exciting initiatives we’re starting this year is to expand our “Welcome Wednesday” interviews where we introduced new teammates to also feature other teammates throughout the organization. This new post will appear on Fridays and will be called “Featured Friday.” We will interview new teammates and existing teammates, rotating between written articles and video interviews each week. We also hope to include other video series throughout the year including a look into our different departments, and interviews with our leadership team.
Without further ado our first Feature Friday is…
Robert Roach- Talent Development Manager
Rob started with AGDATA in August of 2018, and has 10 years of talent development and training experience.
Ashley: What is your favorite part of being in talent development?
Rob: One of my favorite things is seeing that light bulb moment as people have them. They’re able to make connections, and learn new skills to make their work day easier.
A: What are some of your favorite training sessions that you’ve led?
R: I love working with our managers quarterly for management training. I think this is very impactful training throughout the organization, and directly impacts our teammates’ relationships with their managers.
A: Looking ahead to 2020 what are some development initiatives you’re excited for?
R: I’m excited to finish delivering our Insights training to our teams and to expand this program further within the organization. I’m also excited to deliver situational leadership training to all of our teammates.
A: Why did you decide to join AGDATA?
R: I thought it would be a good fit, it’s an organization with good financial stability behind it, and has been around for 35 years. It's also just the right size that I’m able to have a significant impact in the organization.
A: I agree. I find that everyone here is able, and encouraged, to make an impact, not just the folks at the very top.
R: Exactly. I also like how the company feels more like a family, and you really get to know your teammates. It’s a close-knit group where I can be a part of something bigger.
A: That’s awesome. What’s one thing you like to do outside of work?
R: Golf. Seriously. I’ve been an avid golfer since I was 3 years old.
A: What have been some of your favorite courses you’ve played on?
R: I loved playing at Harbour Town Golf Links down in Hilton Head, SC. It’s home of the RBC Invitational each year. It was humbling to see how I played it and how it compared to the professionals that play there each year. And it’s just a beautiful course.
A: If you could play a round with anyone who would it be?
R: Hands down, Phil Mickelson! I’d love to play a round with him.
A: Thanks for sitting down with me, and for volunteering for our first Feature Friday!
To learn more about opportunities with AGDATA please visit https://www.agdata.com/company/careers/
About the Author: Ashley Endy is our Talent Acquisition Lead and joined AGDATA this past April. She has 10 years of Talent Acquisition experience, and moved to the Charlotte Area in 2016. Originally from Pittsburgh, PA she has also called Philadelphia, PA and Boston, MA home. Ashley lives at home with her 4-year-old daughter, 2 furry kitties and her husband.