Feature Engineering techniques made simple
Feature engineering is a crucial step in machine learning that involves transforming raw data into a format suitable for model training. Here are several commonly used feature engineering techniques, along with explanations and examples in Excel, R, Python, and SQL:
Missing Data Imputation:
- Explanation: Replace missing values with estimated or imputed values.
- Excel: Use functions like IF and AVERAGE to fill missing values based on conditions or average values.
- R: Utilize packages like mice or missForest to impute missing values.
- Python: Employ libraries like pandas or scikit-learn to impute missing values using methods like mean, median, or regression.
- SQL: Use UPDATE statements with appropriate logic to replace missing values.
Categorical Variable Encoding:
- Explanation: Convert categorical variables into numerical representations.
- Excel: Use formulas like VLOOKUP or IF to map categories to numerical values.
- R: Utilize functions like as.factor or model.matrix to create dummy variables or one-hot encoding.
- Python: Use libraries like pandas or scikit-learn with functions like get_dummies or LabelEncoder for encoding categorical variables.
- SQL: Use CASE statements or create new tables to represent categories as numerical values.
Feature Scaling:
- Explanation: Normalize or standardize features to bring them to a similar scale.
- Excel: Utilize formulas like (value - min) / (max - min) to perform min-max scaling or (value - mean) / standard deviation for standardization.
- R: Use functions like scale or caret::preProcess to scale or center features.
- Python: Employ libraries like scikit-learn with functions like MinMaxScaler or StandardScaler for scaling features.
- SQL: Use mathematical expressions within queries to scale or standardize features.
Polynomial Features:
- Explanation: Generate new features by combining existing ones through polynomial combinations.
- Excel: Use formulas to calculate new columns with polynomial combinations of existing features.
- R: Utilize functions like poly or caret::dummyVars to create polynomial features.
- Python: Use libraries like scikit-learn with functions like PolynomialFeatures to generate polynomial features.
- SQL: Use mathematical expressions within queries to create polynomial combinations of features.
- Explanation: Group continuous variables into discrete intervals or bins.
- Excel: Utilize functions like VLOOKUP or IF to map continuous values to predefined bins.
- R: Use functions like cut or Hmisc::cut2 to create bins for continuous variables.
- Python: Use libraries like pandas or scikit-learn with functions like cut or KBinsDiscretizer for binning.
- SQL: Use CASE statements or mathematical expressions within queries to create bins for continuous variables.
One-Hot Encoding:
- Explanation: Represent categorical variables as binary vectors.
- Excel: Use formulas or custom VBA code to create binary columns for each category.
- R: Utilize functions like model.matrix or dummyVars to create dummy variables for categorical features.
- Python: Use libraries like pandas or scikit-learn with functions like get_dummies or OneHotEncoder for one-hot encoding.
- SQL: Use CASE statements or create new tables to represent categories as binary vectors.
Feature Interactions:
- Explanation: Create new features by combining existing features through mathematical operations.
- Excel: Use formulas to calculate new columns that represent interactions between existing features.
- R: Utilize functions like interaction or manually multiply and divide existing features.
- Python: Use libraries like pandas or scikit-learn to create new interaction features using mathematical operations.
- SQL: Use mathematical expressions within queries to create interaction features.
Time Features:
- Explanation: Extract relevant information from timestamps or time-based data.
- Excel: Utilize formulas like YEAR, MONTH, DAY, or HOUR to extract specific components from timestamps.
- R: Use functions like lubridate::year, lubridate::month, lubridate::day, or lubridate::hour to extract time components.
- Python: Use libraries like pandas or datetime to extract time components from timestamps.
- SQL: Utilize functions like EXTRACT or DATEPART to extract time components from timestamps.
Text Feature Extraction:
- Explanation: Convert textual data into numerical representations.
- Excel: Utilize text functions like LEN, SEARCH, or SUBSTITUTE to extract relevant information from text.
- R: Use packages like tm or text to preprocess text and extract features like word frequencies or TF-IDF values.
- Python: Use libraries like nltk, spaCy, or scikit-learn to preprocess text and extract features like word frequencies, n-grams, or TF-IDF values.
- SQL: Use string manipulation functions like SUBSTRING, CHARINDEX, or regular expressions to extract information from text.
Feature Selection:
- Explanation: Select a subset of relevant features for model training.
- Excel: Use statistical techniques or formulas to identify important features based on correlation or information gain.
- R: Utilize functions like caret::findCorrelation, caret::varImp, or caret::rfe to perform feature selection based on correlation, importance, or recursive feature elimination.
- Python: Use libraries like scikit-learn, statsmodels, or featuretools with functions like SelectKBest, RFECV, or SelectFromModel for feature selection.
- SQL: Use statistical functions or perform queries to identify relevant features based on correlation or other measures.
Target Encoding:
- Explanation: Encode categorical variables using target variable statistics.
- Excel: Use formulas or custom VBA code to calculate aggregated target statistics per category and map them to the original dataset.
- R: Utilize packages like categoryEncoders or manually calculate aggregated target statistics and merge them back to the original dataset.
- Python: Use libraries like category_encoders or scikit-learn with functions like TargetEncoder or manually calculate aggregated target statistics and merge them back to the original dataset.
- SQL: Use subqueries, joins, or window functions to calculate aggregated target statistics per category and update the original dataset.