Feature Discovery: Ensuring Adoption of New Features in an App

Feature Discovery: Ensuring Adoption of New Features in an App

In the competitive world of digital products, staying relevant means constantly evolving to meet user needs. This often involves introducing new features designed to help users better achieve their goals or solve problems more efficiently. However, before introducing a new feature, it is essential to conduct thorough research to ensure there is a genuine need for it. Your new feature should make your users' lives easier, solving pain points or enhancing their experience. The challenge is that many users have already found workarounds or solutions before your new feature comes along. So, how do you get them to switch and adopt your new feature?

Feature discovery is a critical component of any SaaS product strategy. It plays a pivotal role in driving the adoption of new features and, ultimately, impacts the product's long-term success.

Understanding “Feature Discovery”

Feature discovery is the initial phase where users become aware of a new feature and its functionality. It is part of the broader feature adoption funnel, which consists of four stages: Exposed, Activated, Used, and Used Again. Monitoring these stages helps product stakeholders measure adoption rates and identify areas for improvement. This article focuses on strategies to improve the chances of users discovering new features.

Key Strategies for Feature Discovery

1. Expose Features Clearly: Ensure the new feature is easily accessible and not hidden within the app’s interface. It should be placed where it is obvious, functional and relevant to the user’s journey, making it more likely they will notice and use it. Important features can be placed on the homepage where users can easily see it.?

2. Contextual Feature Announcements: Highlight the new feature at the right moment during a user’s activity. For example, if a user is about to perform an action that your new feature can simplify or improve, bring the feature to their attention through a pop-up, tooltip or prompt.?

3. Related Activity Notifications: Trigger notifications or in-app messages when users engage in activities related to the new feature. This makes the announcement feel more relevant and timely, increasing the likelihood of adoption. For instance, let a user know they can schedule a payment right after performing a send money transaction.?

4. In-App Notifications: Educate users about new features with well-placed in-app prompts. Some effective UI elements for in-app messaging include:

  • Modals: Large pop-ups that appear on the screen, ideal for announcing major updates.

Modal Design Example

  • Tooltips: Small text boxes that appear next to relevant features, providing information and encouraging usage.

  • Banners: Ribbons at the top or bottom of the screen, which are non-intrusive yet effective in promoting new features.

Banner Design Example

  • Hotspots: Minimalist UI elements that draw attention to a feature or part of the interface.

  • Interactive Walkthroughs: Step-by-step guides using tooltips that help users learn how to use complex features.

Interactive Walkthrough

5. Reintroduce Features: Sometimes users forget about features after their initial use. Reintroducing or resurfacing these features can remind users of their benefits and encourage them to revisit functionalities they once found useful.

6. Use Product Analytics: Product analytics can help identify where users experience friction with your new features. This insight allows you to refine the user experience, making the feature more accessible and easier to adopt.

7. Leverage Social Media Campaigns: Use social media to build awareness of your new feature. A series of posts that highlight how the feature can enhance the user experience will create buzz and attract attention. Using storytelling to also talk about how users can interact with this feature is also a good idea.

8. Email Newsletters: Use email marketing to remind users of new and existing features. A well-crafted newsletter can highlight the feature's benefits and provide tips for getting the most out of it.

9. Custom: Every app is unique so it would make sense for you to find other mediums within your products that can be used to promote new features. For instance, Whatsapp posts new updates and feature as a status.


Feature discovery is a vital part of the user journey, helping users find value in the new functionalities your product offers. By using a combination of in-app notifications, contextual announcements, and ongoing user education, you can improve feature adoption rates and enhance overall user satisfaction. Whether through social media campaigns, in-app guidance, or product analytics, the goal is to ensure that every new feature gets the visibility and usage it deserves.

Bolaji Ogeyingbo

High-Performance Software Engineer, Designed and built Scalable, Autoconfigurable Software utilizing Cloud Native-Data Driven Architecture using SpringBoot with Vert.x Integration and API Documentation with swagger..

1 个月

This is put in the right perspective. Thank you.

Tereigh Banks Ozakpo

Business Development | Digital Economy | Public Speaking

1 个月

Insightful. Keep up the good work buddy

Samuel Adeleye

Petroleum Engineer|Product Management|Project Management

1 个月

Nicely written ????

Nicely written! Loved the section on 'Contextual Feature Announcements' - such a clever approach.


