Feather or Sledgehammer?
Becky Field
If ‘Busy’ Is Your Badge of Honour, Let's Talk. There is no reward in burning out!.???????? Expert in ICF and BPS-Registered Psychometric and Group Specialist
As I walked this morning, I remembered a time when my thought processes were on a loop, reliving, yearning, and longing for my mum. I was stuck in the process of grief around the bargaining stage in the Kubler-ross model (See below) except there was no bargaining to be done. I just couldn't get my head around the fact that I would never see her again. I was stuck in my head. That was until someone stopped the spinning top.
‘Your mum is dead’
I literally woke up!
This may seem shocking to read right here but this was one of the best things someone said to me to get out of my head. To move me out of a place where I was never going to win or achieve anything.
Recently I have spoken to so many business owners (including coaches) who talk themselves out of everything. Not posting on socials, not acting on great opportunities, not fuelling passionate ideas for growth, and not contacting people whom they could potentially work with to grow their business. They are on a constant loop of self-doubt, procrastination, and fear.
Now, as a person, I am quite direct, which is why I appreciated the harsh words above. There was no other way. I am also grateful for the ruthless CBT I experienced when I went into treatment for alcohol dependency. Again, because my life depended on it, I needed a sledgehammer approach to break through the denial that ‘I was ok’, because I wasn’t.
As a Coach, Mentor and Supervisor I too am direct (with permission). I want the best for you. 100%. When people make the courageous decision to come to coaching, they are ready. They have usually tried everything to figure it out by themselves, the books, the courses, the youtube videos, the retreats and sadly it can be the same before coaches come to coaching supervision.
When people talk to me, I recognise the patterns and recurring loop of negative self-talk and the BS procrastination that is keeping them in a place of dissatisfaction and pain. Over the years I have been networking I have heard the same people, talking about the same dissatisfaction, and repeating what they ‘should be doing’ or ‘could be doing’ and yet doing nothing.
For years …..
Part of me wants to slap them like the scene from Airplane but that would be unprofessional.... wouldn't it?
So I could say either of the following depending on the context and the person.
The feather: So if you could have an ideal day, what would this look like to you, what would you see, feel, hear, taste….. (Yes, I’ve got that book too!)
The cheesegrater: ‘You do know there’s another way to do this don’t you?’.
The Sledgehammer: How many times do I need to listen to this Janet?, Do you want to run a business or are you running a charity? You know I would love to help you so shall we book a session in and stop fannying around?
A constant loop of inaction in your business is pointless. Staying in your comfort zone is good if your comfort zone is exactly what you want.
Ask yourself some questions:
Are you where you want to be in your business right now?
Are you tired of reading various blogs, books, and newsletters trying to get the golden nugget to change your life?
Do you want things to change?
What do you gain from staying where you are?
What do you lose?
Are you prepared to wake up?
As a Coach and Supervisor, I have been described as Kind and Kick-Ass. Everything I do within Westfield Coaching is wrapped in the spirit of collaboration, reciprocation, transparency, and respect.
I bring to you fun, education, learning, and passion for the field of coaching.
I also bring you my wonderful connections who, if you need ANYTHING in your business, I can connect you with and who would be willing to help.
With me, you get a one-stop shop. So, if you want to shop around still or prefer someone with a feather, I can highly recommend some amazing coaches.
If you fancy getting out of your own head, book a call and let’s connect.
No obligation just wonderful directness in the spirit of helping you, like I have been helped in the past.
My diary is ready for 121 clients in September, so if you want to ACT. Book on the link below and let's connect and get to work!
If you are curious about coaching supervision, join my FREE group here.
Or if there is any problem that you have RIGHT NOW, Drop me a message and I will give you a clear, direct, and professional response right now!
Until next time!
Love this and couldn’t agree more - wishy washy just doesn’t cut it!