The Feast of Yom Kippur - Yeshua's (Jesus) Second Divine Appointment at His Second Coming

The Feast of Yom Kippur - Yeshua's (Jesus) Second Divine Appointment at His Second Coming

Hello Friends,

Please join us as explore the Feast of Yom Kippur, which occurs this Tuesday evening, October 8th, and ends Wednesday evening, October 9th. We will also discover the following:

  • God's Calendar (Biblical Calendar - Genesis 1:14)
  • The Lord's Seven Feasts (Leviticus 23)
  • The template of Moses' forty days of repentance for the children of Israel
  • Yeshua's forty days of testing
  • The correlation of the high priest's ceremonies in Leviticus 16 and Messiah's fulfillment of them at His second coming in the book of Revelation (Yom Kippur).
  • The Mystery of "Face to Face"

G,Mar Tov (May you be inscribed in the Book of Life)




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