FEAST - July specials
Federation of Asian Storytellers
Celebrating Asian Storytelling and Storytellers
What is coming in July!
Dear Feastians,
?Sheila Arnold’s wonderful webinar on Being History: Character Interpretation for Storytellers was a definite highlight, and we are looking forward to a packed final week which features another Games?Night (24th) followed by June Jubilee?(28th - our first Olio) which features stories for kids cleverly woven around some of the World Day celebrations that have happened during this month. (Who knew there is a Chocolate Ice-cream Day?!)
Do note that if your current membership expires on 30th June, you need to renew by 6th July, otherwise your membership will expire and you will not be able to get your member discount when registering for events – and especially the Learning Capsule Discount Package (which is $99 for non-members and only $45 for members!)
? We are grateful to those members who opted to combine their renewal with subscribing to the Learning Capsules discount Package, as this represents a considerable saving on our PayPal fees (PayPal charges 70cts for a $5 transaction (9.4%), but $4.46 for a $90 payment (4.9%).
?Given the uncertainty surrounding the future of NSN (America’s National Storytelling Network) which announced earlier this month it is in dire financial straits and is even considering closing down as an option, we are grateful for the positive expressions of support and appreciation we continue to receive during our events. As we enter our 5th year (June 1st is our legal birthday) we hope FEAST will continue to grow with your support as a community for storytellers in Asia and beyond.
? We have some real quality to look forward to in July as this email will tell you – not least of which is the launch of our new FUNDAMENTALS programme designed for Community members and our Young Storytellers. There’s also the Celebrity line-up on our Panel Discussion of how to create your own solo show for adult audiences, and the excellent Christine Carlton conducting a Coaching Story Swap (see Roger’s review of the May peer-reviewed story swap to see why he strongly recommends members make time to view these kind of sessions -??here?)
? We’ll also be announcing full details of our online September LEARNING FEST and the FOCUS ON FOLKLORE and offering you a special early-bird member’s pricing. ?
In July we feature Archana Chandel with our Story of the Month, which is The Wishing Tree, a folktale from Rajasthan that Archana tells using her own Kamishibai.?
? Now, a sneak peek at what's in store for us in July!!
Please note that all timings mentioned below are in Singapore time ( SGT).
- 06th July 7:30-9:00 PM Story Swap - Expert coaching with Christine Carlton Expert Coaching Story Swap
- 11th July 7:30-9:00 PM Panel Discussion - Creating a solo performance for adults Going Solo
- 20th July 7:30-8:30 PM SIG PlotLuck
- 4th July ?NA Podcast Story Wok - S2 - EP6 - Dream - Reality Story Wok - Listen here
To learn more about these events, read on…!
Expert Guest Coaching Story Swap DATE : 06-Jul-2022 ; 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM?
For members only
A guest coaching story swap exclusively for members.
- Do you have a story you are working on ?
- Would you like to be coached?by a highly experienced storyteller??
- Would you like to just like to join as an audience member?
Bring your work-in-progress stories to this closed-door coaching swap. We hope to see you benefit from a safe space to?try out?your stories and?from being coached by a highly experienced storyteller. There is no need to conform to a theme. Just bring a story that you wish to work on.
Christine recommends?that tellers bring a story that is 6 - 7 minutes in length or even shorter or 'part of a story that needs help.
About Christine Carlton Christine Carlton is an Australian Storyteller, Drama and Creative Arts Educator who has performed and facilitated workshops throughout Australia and internationally. She offers opportunities for individuals and organisations to tap into their creativity to give voice to their stories whether they be true, tall or traditional tales. Christine loves how stories challenge, entertain, develop and delight both the tellers and the audience.
Christine is the convenor of the Weaving Stories Together - Sydney International Storytelling Conference and for over 30 years she has conducted teacher in-service programmes, and workshops with children and adults, lectured in Story and Drama in Education at the University of Western Sydney and provided individual coaching and mentoring for people keen to expand their storytelling skills.
Please submit your interest by the 25th of June.?To?give the best coaching experience we will take only 3 tellers with one?backup teller.?Please note that these sessions will be recorded in order to be able to give?the coachees?a recording of their telling and coaching, but?the recordings?will only go to the coachees.?So if you want to see the story coaching in action you will need to attend live.? The chosen tellers and the backup teller will be informed by?29th June. Tellers should join the Zoom meeting by 7:15 PM. If you have any questions about ZOOM or the story swap please contact?feaststoryswap@gmail.com?
NOTE : SELECTED COACHEES will be required to pay?$10SGD?post coaching session. You may choose to join as an audience member free of charge.
Panel Discussion - Going Solo Creating a Memorable Storytelling Performance for Adults ------Date: 11-Jul-22 ; 7:30 - 9:00 PM
$6 for members; $13 for non-members; FOC for Young Storytellers
Recording available
This is the third in a series of panel discussions focusing on how to put together a storytelling programme. The theme is one that many tellers might consider the most challenging of all – devising a 60+ minute solo show for adults. This includes the choice of stories and their sequencing, and also the manner in which the overall performance is framed. Clearly, it requires more thought than just a catchy title and punchy PR description!?
- ?How do start the performance and get into the first story??
- Is a costume or a setting going to be a part of your performance??
- What is the arc of the show?
- How does the design of your show communicate that the last story really is the last story, and not just the last because you have run out of time?
The focus is not, primarily, on the way that you tell the stories. It is on the show as a whole. It is about making the entire show an experience for the audience.?To talk about these and other important questions on this topic, we have?Katrice Horsley,?Peter Chand?and?Donna Washington?in a Panel discussion that is sure to be both informative and delightful. You can read more about our distinguished panelists by clicking on their names to go to their respective websites.??
SIG - PlotLuck -----Date : 20-Jul-22 ; 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
For Registered members only
?Plot Luck holds its regular bi-monthly improv storytelling meeting for members.?Details of this month’s session activities will be shared in the Plot Luck Members' Forum. To attend, you need to be registered as a Plot Luck SIG member ($5 from July – June 2023, regardless of when you join).
To register, please go to your Profile page and in the More Member Options cell, click on Optional Additional Charges. Select SIG Plot Luck registration and you will be guided to payment. Upon receipt of payment you will be added of the Plot Luck forum and receive all info and meeting links etc.
To observe a trial session of Plot Luck, please contact roger@rogerjenkins.com.sg Depending on this session’s activities, you may or may not be invited to improvise with the other players, at the discretion of the session facilitator
Story Wok Season 2, Episode 6 -Dream- Reality - Release Date : 24-Jul-2022
?Everything starts with a dream. So in the month of July on StoryWok we bring you stories of dreams and realities. Some dreams become realities some don’t. The key is to not give up on your dream, whether you see it while sleeping or with your eyes wide open. So join us on a ride from oblivion to the obvious. StoryWok episode coming up on July 24th. Please stay tuned and write in your feedback to storywok@gmail.com