Feast Day of St John Paul II
Today is the the Feast Day of St John Paul II, known by many as John Paul The Great. The third longest pontificate in the history of the church, St John Paul II was thee great communicator. We all remember whenever he departed a plane, he would genuinely kiss the ground thanking G-d.
The story of Karol Wojtyla is quite remarkable. If anyone has said that clergy should not be involved in politics to the betterment of all people, they have not read the history of John Paul The Great’s influence in Solidarity in Poland which help liberated his homeland from Communist occupation.
Within the Catholic tradition, Social Justice is an integrated part of what it means to be a Catholic Christian in the Catechism and history of the Catholic Church. You can’t help but find Priests, Nuns, and Monks throughout the history of the church who were not afraid to speak out when community leaders were hurting one group of people to the benefit of others.
What are you doing to ensure that all people are treated fairly? What are you doing to restore honor, integrity, and moral values to our elected leaders. What are you doing to help restore the role of our elected leaders to true Statesman as envision by our fore-fathers?
St John Paul II by his actions showed us how perseverance can change the tide of a country, indeed a continent, for the betterment of all people with his long term and outspoken support for the Solidarity Movement which eventually freed Poland as well as central and Eastern Europe from Communism.
What are you doing to make your country better for ALL people, regardless of race, creed, color, ethnic origin, sexual identity or sexual preference). Do you love your neighbor as yourself (The Golden Rule).
#saintly #socialjustice