FEAST DAY OF SAINT ROMUALD Saturday, June 19, 2021
Deacon R. Christoph Sandoval
Ministry to the Sick & Homebound- Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption---Archdiocese of San Francisco
Collect of St. Romuald, founder of Camaldoli
O God, Who chose St. Romuald to renew the eremitic life in Your Church, give us the strength to deny ourselves in order to follow Christ in the way of the Cross and to go up with Him into the glory of Your reign.
Through Jesus Christ Your Son, Who is God and Who live and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end.
By the example of St. Romuald, confirm us in Your Service, Lord,
and bring to completion in us, until the day of Christ,
the work of salvation that You have begun.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Here is the hundred-word Latin text of this bright gem of eremitical spirituality, recorded about 1006 twenty years before Romuald ’ s death by Saint Bruno of Querfurt in his Life of the Five Brothers. It was as reported to him by one of those martyrs named John, who, like Bruno, knew Romuald well.
And he received this brief rule from Master Romuald, which he was very careful to practice throughout his life:
1. Sit in the cell as in paradise;
2. cast all memory of the world behind you;
3. cautiously watching your thoughts, as a good fisher watches the fish.
4. In the Psalms there is one way. Do not abandon it. If you who have come with the fervor of a novice cannot understand everything, strive to recite with understanding of spirit and mind, now here, now there, and when you begin to wander while reading, do not stop, but hasten to correct yourself by concentrating.
5. Above all, place yourself in the presence of God with fear and trembling, like someone who stands in the sight of the emperor;
6. destroy yourself completely,
7. and sit like a chick, content with the grace of God, for unless its mother gives it something, it tastes nothing and has nothing to eat.
In summary, Saint Romuald ’ s seven-step Brief Rule for novice-hermits comprises a surprisingly rich set of exercises for training in contemplation which succinctly cover the following topics:
(1) posture, place, solitude, inner peace, and joy;
(2) detachment and liberation for concentration;
(3) self-observation and analysis for purity of mind and heart;
(4) attentively praying the Psalms as seeds of meditation;
(5) reverent, compunctious practice of the presence of God;
(6) intensive ascetical inner overcoming of faults;
(7) childlike humility and receptivity to grace.
If this summary strikes the reader as rather modern and up-to-date, there is a simple explanation: the basic process of the inner Christian reform as lived and transmitted by Anthony, Romuald, Francis, and Charles de Foucauld is a permanent fixture, like the death and resurrection of Christ, which does not change with passing trends in spirituality.
By radiantly living and teaching the powerful principles of his Brief Rule, Saint Romuald made a major contribution to the spiritual health of the Church in the West, because he renewed in it that essential element of its inner life: the contemplative, semi-eremitical small community. Today his sons are continuing to make that healing gift to the House and People of God.
1369 La Loma Ave, Berkeley, CA 94708
Incarnation Monastery is located on the north side of the University campus, in the Berkeley hills.
New Camaldoli Hermitage
62475 Highway 1 (Lucia)
Big Sur, CA 93920-9533
Chiesa di San Bagio e Romualdo
Piazza Daniele Manin 12
Fabriano, Provincia di Ancona, Marche, 60044 Italy
The Catholic Church of Saints Blaise and Romuald, was established by Benedictine monks around the year 1200, and was known for many years as the Church of St. Blaise. When the remains of St. Romuald of Ravenna were transferred there in 1481, the church was renamed to honor both saints. The church is currently entrusted to the care of the Camaldolese Benedictines.
Camaldolese Oblates
The Christian monastic tradition can be traced back at least to the 3rd century, and there have been Oblates connected with monastic communities, in various ways, practically from the beginning. Camaldolese Benedictine Oblates continue in this great tradition.
Our Oblates are lay persons or members of other orders or diocesan clergy (or even bishops) who seek to live a life in harmony with God through the Camaldolese Oblate Rule, striving to incorporate its values, rhythms and spirituality into their lives.
Over 600 men and women from all over the world have become Camaldolese Oblates.
When possible, they regularly return to New Camaldoli Hermitage and/or to Incarnation Monastery for spiritual retreat, as well as attend, when possible, local Oblate retreats offered in various areas and/or our annual Camaldolese Oblate gathering.
Camaldolese Oblates are recognized as Benedictine Oblates by all Benedictine Abbeys and Monasteries around the world.