Fear...Your Time Is Up!
Carlos T. Carter, MBA
President & CEO | Author of Greatness Awaits You! | Motivational & Keynote Speaker
A few years ago, I had a conversation with another leader about “when we are at our greatest”. We exchanged many suggestions, but the one that stuck with me is that “I am at my best when I serve my fears an eviction notice!”
This was poignant for me because I can think of times in the past when I have let my fears stop me from doing things that required me to leave my comfort zone due to fear of failure, ridicule, and just not thinking I was able to do something as well as someone who had more experience.
Nevertheless, there were other times where I stepped up and pushed against my fears. My wife reminded me of the times I helped coach ‘t-ball’ and ‘coach pitch’ baseball for my oldest and middle sons. I was uncomfortable and clueless but left my comfort zone and rose to the occasion. Although I threw many bad pitches during coach pitch, thank God nobody got seriously hurt ??!
These experiences created great memories and taught me that great things can happened when you face and evict your fears. The key thing about fear is that it will often appear when you are looking to do something great or do something that you have never done before. However, you must resolve to serve it an eviction notice each time it appears. You can evict it by focusing more on the opportunity and replacing your negative thoughts of doubt and fear with faith and positive thoughts (“I can do it” statements).
Through my perpetual eviction process, I have been empowered to speak to large crowds and put myself out there to motivate and inspire others and more importantly grow and evolve as a man, leader, and motivator.
Starting today...do not let fear hold you back from doing what is important to you! Whether it is starting a business, leaving that job you hate or simply living your best life, do not let fear stop you! Today is the day to serve your fears an eviction notice!
-Make today great!
Remember Greatness Awaits You!
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Carlos T. Carter-Founder & Chief Motivator