Fearless Outliers Podcast | Ep 14 | Market Recap and Unfolding Outlier Opportunities

Fearless Outliers Podcast | Ep 14 | Market Recap and Unfolding Outlier Opportunities

Here is the Fearless Outliers Podcast #14 Video Recording link for our live show on Wed., Sept. 27, 2023 | Trading Alpha Unlocked | Episode 14 |

Market Recap and Unfolding Outlier Opportunities

In this episode,

Efrem Hoffman, Global Top 50 Predictive Analytics | Quantum Computing Thoughtleader | Top 100 Fintech Influencer; and

David A. Janello PhD, CFA, 50 yr. ex-CBOE Professional & Best-Selling New-Release Author on Trading to Win with Option Momentum Strategies, are:

? Recapping Today's Market Action & Unfolding Outlier Opportunities;

? Showing you in their live trading market settings:

How You Can Start Profiting from Outlier Events of Positive Consequence, that are now surfacing at broad-scale with spectacular opportunity in the U.S. Equity Markets and Small Cap Space;

The Positive Implications of Today's Bullish Confirmation of Dark Pool Buying Activity by Big Institutions, at a time when Market Dealers are Short Gamma is setting the stage for a historic market melt-up into yearend and through Q1/Q2 2024; and

? Discussing how incrementally adding to and initiating long positions and bullish option spread strategies is sensible given the underlying speculative short position in public markets on a day when bullish confirmation occured in the Dark Pools.

Efrem discusses a very rare bullish confirmation in the Dark Pools as well as volatility inflection points that are now showing up in the bond markets ( MOVE Index ) relative to equity markets ( VOLI Index ), so any intraday selling activity or capitulation in equity markets into early October should be faded in anticipation of a violent upside reversal --

to be further amplified by Inverse Black Swans and Positive Grey Swans that may emerge when Treasuries reverse trend after their persistent period of weakness --

into Yearend and onward into Q1/Q2 2024, where disproportionate magnitude and speed of bullish activity is expected to trounce both any weakness of late, even if a Black Swan waterfall capitulation results in one more retest into early October period.

David touches on an options strategy that may now be waking up, that has historically been the harbinger of bullish transits. More on this in future episodes, where we will do a deep dive into the details of the strategy, as we monitor the live market action into this upside extreme momentum reversion process --

currently in the early stages of presenting itself in the unfolding price action -- as we advance through Q4 2023 and Q1/Q2 2024.

To learn more about the Fearless Outlier Trading Show Hosts,

Efrem Hoffman & David A. Janello, PhD, CFA, and their tech innovations, click the link below to be directed to a deep dive LinkedIn Post on the complimentary Hoffman Financial Storm Chaser Newsletter.

DISCLAIMER: The Fearless Outliers Podcast is for: educational/entertainment purposes only, and does not serve as trading/investing advice; nor a solicitation for buying/selling securities of any kind whatsoever in the present and/or future. Any losses/negative effects whatsoever, resulting from watching this show and/or taking action on any information shared will not be the liability of Running Alpha, SpreadHunter, and/or any of its affiliates, show hosts, guests in whole and/or part in the present and/or future.

#MOVE #VOLI #VIX #SmallCaps #ShortGamma #DarkPools #GreySwans #BlackSwans #BlackSwan #GreySwan #WhiteSwans #WhiteSwan #Outlier #Outliers #ExtremeOutlier #RUT #IWM #QQQ #XLK #SPX #SLV #Silver #ETF #ETFs #TraderEducation #TradingTactics #IWM #TNA #Russell2000 #Russell2K #RTY #RUT #FtseRussell #Technology #SoftwareInrfastructure #Software #Semiconductors #Coffee #Commodities #Gold #Futures #5G #Economy #LinkedinLive #LinkedInEvents #Investing #Trading #MomentumTrading #AltData #Trends #Quant #TrendFollowing #Prediction #PredictiveAnalytics #PrescriptiveAnalytics #LinkedInLive #Options #OptionsTrading #TradingMarkets #RiskManagement #PortfolioManagement #WealthManagement #Money #GrowthStocks #Bull #Bear #Value #Growth #Momentum #Sentiment #equities #stocks #trading #investing #markets #economy #alpha #tradingalpha #investingalpha #Assets #RelativeValue #RelativeStrength #MeanReversion #ExtremeReversion #Trendfollowing #Momentum #MomentumTrading #ShortVol #Shorting #Dispersion #Finance #tradingview #algotrading #technicalanalysis


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