Fearless Leadership
A good leader has knowledge, experience and empathy. Design Nation's General Manager, Laura Sue-San , is a good leader. With a multilayered career in the design industry, Laura first joined Design Nation ten years ago at an important milestone for the business, and then again in 2018 following a period working for a global corporation. We spoke to Laura to learn more about her vast experience and her invaluable contribution to the Design Nation family.
Q. Hi Laura, thanks for taking time for us. You’ve had various roles in the design industry. Can you tell us about them?
Yes, that’s true. I studied Interior Architecture at UNSW, so my plan initially was to be a designer but timing-wise it didn’t quite work out. I graduated during the GFC of 2009, so, as a result, my career took some interesting turns.
During uni, I worked as a showroom assistant for a prominent designer furniture supplier – this was my first introduction to the world of furniture. After graduation, however, I joined the marketing and events team at Indesign Media, and this really gave me a unique insight across the entire industry.
Following Indesign, I worked for a construction company putting together their bids and tenders. It was a high-pressure role which required meticulous attention to detail, but it was very satisfying when we won projects.
It was following this role that I first came to Design Nation in a marketing capacity. It was still Café Culture back then and just before the merger with Insitu – a process that I was heavily involved with. Working closely with Marnie, I managed everything from branding to operations relating to the merger – a massive task and one that led to my next role…
I was approached to help launch the furniture division of a major office supplies organisation. Working for a large, global company was quite a departure from the roles I’d held to that point, and a huge learning curve. I worked alongside some amazing people, impressive leaders, and I took a lot away from that role.
When I had my first child, however, I needed more flexibility and that’s when I returned to Café Culture + Insitu, just in time for the rebranding to Design Nation! As you can see, I love working on big projects! The process of taking Café Culture + Insitu to Design Nation was immense but extremely fulfilling.
I discovered I was expecting my second child around about the same time we went live with the new brand. It was then that Marnie proposed that I take on the role of General Manager when I came back from maternity leave. And here I am!
Anyone else exhausted…?
Q. Tell us about the role of GM at dNa – what does your day-to-day entail?
As GM, I work across all areas of the business, liaising closely with Marnie Hammond , the Managing Director, Adam Lewis , our Head of Operations, the sales team and marketing. My role covers everything from HR to IT, finance and sales, operations and risk management. My overarching remit, however, is understanding the various and ongoing business needs, looking for gaps, and driving growth.
Given my love of chunky projects, it’s no surprise I’ve handled a few here at dNa. In addition to the rebranding project, I also handled the massive task of moving our warehouse, and I am currently driving our new website project.
But I also feel that one of the key elements of my role is to manage and uphold the general culture of our business and the wellbeing of our team. It is very important for Design Nation to understand the different needs of the people who work in the business and to ensure they feel supported in what they do – this matters a lot to me.
Q. What do you enjoy most about what you do at dNa?
I really love seeing our people grow and achieve their goals, succeeding in their respective roles. It’s hugely satisfying to me to know that they feel supported enough to do so, that the work/life balance mix we are offering is right – this is an important element of what I do, and when done right, everyone wins.
Q. What do you believe is the best part about the dNa offering to our clients?
It’s got to be our service. We are very customer-focussed, versatile and adaptable, sometimes bending the rules to accommodate them. Our team works hard to find the best solutions we can offer to meet the needs of our clients.
Q. What do you do to relax or let of steam?
I try to find some time to myself, and this often is when I do some exercise. Sometimes I’ll walk to or from work and use this alone time to clear my head.
Also, I’ve got a big trip to Europe planned in a few weeks, so plenty of relaxation ahead. I’m looking forward to coming back refreshed and inspired by beautiful spaces.