Fearless faith
SportsFaith Play of the day from the Ultimate Playbook!
Psalm 18:49 Therefore I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing the praises of your name...
How much of your life is directed by the fear of offending someone or displeasing them? This is an area that I struggle with because I want to please people and serve. Today especially, we are conditioned to walk on egg-shells so as to not offend. I am pretty good at tempering my opinions on some things except in one area, my faith. I will not shy away from who I am and why I am blessed just to please culture. I do not play chameleon and hide my faith to one client, or not talk about God so I don't lose business, or answer a question with a 'watered down so I don't offend' answer. I AM NOT ASHAMED OF JESUS! If that offends someone then I'm sorry. There are a lot of things that SHOULD be offensive that we are forced to be fine with... I think a little tolerance for the creator of the universe should be allowed. Have a fearless faith and have a blessed day!
#bold #fearless #faith #Jesus