Be Fearless !
David Alexander
ACTOR I Founder Advocate International I Co-Founder THE NOW I Lover of Stillness & Silence I CMO & Global Head of International training Mind Studio
The most important quality in sales and new business is fearlessness. Disregarding the little voices in your head that say you will be rejected, the fear of ridicule, the fear of being turned down and of failure. All these things are 99% imagined. Sales and new business are hard work and often that last call of the day is the one that makes all the difference! I've seen this time and time again. So, fearlessness is about having the courage to operate with tenacity and assiduously pursue your goal. Ultimately if you have a product or service that is useful to your prospects, and you can articulate that proposition with clarity, good judgement, good humour and fearlessness:?These qualities will be immediately communicated to your prospect they will warm to you, they will hear the value through the sound quality of your voice and through your demeanour! Fearlessness is a state of mind that can be cultivated, a bit like physical exercise or mental exercise it is a quality that grows with use. Fearlessness does not mean that you are not scared anymore, it means that you disregard the fear and act with swiftness and authenticity, regardless of your inner quailing. Be fearless and you will be 100 times more successful!