Fear of Waking Up
Marcus Evans
Commercial Sales Manager @ ET Works | Delivering, Securing, Managing & Supporting Transformative Technology Solutions from Cable to Cloud!
Work creates so many fears across different levels for many different people, but it's not just work, it's life in general. How many times have you stopped yourself from doing something due to a "gut-reaction" or a sense of impending doom or failure or even simply from just being scared stiff.
In that split second of your life, did much change? Do you spend time reflecting on the "what if's?", I know there's quite a few that I do, but why do we have this instilled fear in us. If you listen to Tony Robbins or Richard Branson or any "self-help" guru out there, there's a firm belief that we can all be better than we are; that we are destined to change and grow and that life is there for the taking (oh and we can all be millionaires)..
So what stops us? Honestly, if someone could find the one thing that makes a difference, I'm sure we'd all be very different people. I'm sure we'd stop smoking, reduce drinking, save better, invest in more property, travel the world and generally enjoy life a whole lot more, until then though..
But then what is life? We started as hunters and gathers - working for our food, the sticking to the simplistic basics of work, eat, sleep, repeat.. The environment may have changed, the gadgets and gizmos have certainly changed, the hustle and bustle has changed, we hunt in supermarkets and gather in our nicely decorated homes, but whilst we still "work, eat, sleep, repeat", it's become harder. Our choices have more impact on our social life, on our work life and on our general well-being balance.
I understand that some people will sit at home tonight fearing the day tomorrow, I understand that many of us will fear making a decision without contemplating every single scenario or outcome humanly possible until it becomes so exhausting, you've actually forgotten the point; I understand that this split second someone may be reading this as a way to avoid doing something else, I understand that tomorrow someone will have to make a decision that they regret, a choice that impacts them or others and will fear the outcome.
I'm sorry, I don't have the answers. This isn't a mind-blowing list to success or a why not this or do that type of post, just a slight ramble. But what I do want to say is Do Not Fear Waking Up - this is the moment, that rich enlightenment when you make a choice for you - be it work or personal - stop hiding away from your own happiness and enjoyment and embrace today, as tomorrow is another day.
Wake Up, Release Your Fear and Enjoy your life..