Fear vs. Values: What is driving your business decisions?
Fear vs. Values. What is driving your business decisions?

Fear vs. Values: What is driving your business decisions?

To an outsider becoming an enterpreneur is the embodiment of the much desired freedom, becoming your own boss and living up to your fullest potential. To the insider that is the enterpreneur him/herself it is the same with the addition of some more flavours to the equation.

From the outside point of view it is a joyous, fulfilling, liberating experience and from the inside it is indeed the experience of all that and also the feeling of doubt, anxiety, and depression. It is about the full picture, it is about the ups and downs, too.

Let's see some examples to understand this phenomenon in a bit more detail:

Sunny side: I have all that freedom in my life.

Shady side: How do I establish a routine and stick to it?

While you are employed you have a work schedule, when you become a business owner suddenly you are the only one holding yourself accountable. You become responsible for the daily routine and the work hours. Is it good or bad? Neither and both. It just is.

Sunny side: I am my own boss. Yeyy!

Shady side: Is it the good choice to make? Am I going to regret it later?

You have the authority and the power when you become a business owner at the same time, you have the choices to make and the responsibility to take. What is the guiding force behind your decisions? How do you find out what is driving your sub-conscious. Suddenly self-development becomes a matter of necessity. Good news is that you can start working on your mindset, identifying your hidden subconscious beliefs and patterns anytime. It is never too late and never too early. After all the choices you make is going to determine and create the life you live.

What did you learn from these two examples? What is driving your decisions?

This series of writings are for you to help you grow to be more connected to your true self. You can be an amazing professional and humble spiritual being at the same time. You have the capacity to become the best version of yourself and you have all the tools you need to make it happen. I'm offering to be a message away when you need guidance and support. You are always connected and you are never alone. Get in touch, when you feel called.

Website: www.beatrixhenkel.com


