Fear VS Courage
Dr. Julie Ducharme
CEO She Talks (She Talker) President of SLI ,TEDx speaker, CEO JD Consulting LLC , Professional Speaker, Best Selling Author, specializing in women executives/businesses empowerment.
When you were little where you afraid of what was under your bed? I was! I remember I would turn off the light and jump into my bed so afraid something would grab my ankles in the dark. Now where I got this fear I have no idea but for some reason as a child I just knew there was some big scary thing that could get me but at long as I stayed in my bed I was safe. For some reason my bed was impenetrable. I don't remember when I stopped being afraid of the dark or things under my bed. Its funny cause if I had just looked under my bed to confirm there was nothing there maybe it would have helped or maybe just the idea of something could one day get under my bed. This is why my mother never let me watch scary movies I have plenty of imagination to scare myself. Courage is very often tough to come by because fear is so powerful. Can you think of a time you passed up some amazing opportunity because of fear and later you thought how could I have been so silly to be afraid of something like this. How to do we move past fear and into courage?
This last week I was reminded of the power of fear and how destructive it can be in someone's life. How fear can take the logic right out of your life and give you illogical behaviors. It made me realize as I have spoken often about fear and how powerful it is that I realized that just one act of courage is 10 times more powerful then fear. Its more motivating then fear. Courage can save people, courage can move a nation, courage can change history, and courage can stop wars.?
I thought to myself how can I be more courageous in my life so I can inspire others to have courage. To walk right past those fears and conquer them. I always say the only barriers in our lives are the ones we put up and typically that is from fear. But how could you change your life to not only remove those barriers but also have courage? moving forward? Its a valid question. And lets take it a step further not only how can I be courageous but how can my courage add value to others? Because I truly believe courage is not a stand along thing that we just do to be courageous? but courage is usually tied to something that needs to help, it serves, it? saves, it? rescues.
In? our world today life is very unpredictable you cant run from your fears it will eventually catch up with you and typically not in a positive way. But courage, if we could have courage that is not self serving, that if focused on adding value to people, making positive change now that is something worth fighting for. How's your courage measuring up today? How can you change your fear into courage? Take that first step and do one small courageous thing today.?
Remember Live, Love Laugh and Always be your authentic self.?
Dr. Julie Ducharme