NO FEAR! Title Insurance
Many in the business fear that come Oct 1, their may be a great loss in income from the sale of title insurance do to the new rules and some of the practices in the business. We call each customer, educate them on the options available to them and the protection they will receive from purchasing the coverage the owners title insurance provides. We will have no problems here selling owners title insurance as we have no fear of these upcoming rule changes. Title Insurance is a great product, provides a great service of protection to its policy holders and is the cheapest Insurance on the planet. All other insurance sold in any form only provides protection as long as you continue to pay. Who has every sold an insurance product were you pay once and are covered as long as you or your heirs own the home or product the insurance covers. Wow, what a great deal and it does not cost much extra. [email protected] Let us know if we can help you with a National title search, document retrieval, recording, title insurance or settlement.