Marie Ricketts-Scott, , MBA, BSc, Dip ED
Learning & Development Specialist, Lecturer, Founding Director -Jamaica Lung Support. Logistic Professional
Our fears are debilitating things that rob us of our energy, our dreams and our opportunity for redemption. They are very much like rubber bands flinging us back and forth into our comfort zones the moment we try and expand the possibilities.
Our fears are indeed horrible figments of our imaginations, much like dreams — seemingly real, yet completely fictional occurrences taking shape within the recesses of our minds.
- Is there a way to overcome their magnetic pull?
- Is there a way to escape their disillusionment, and the heartbreaking consequences that stop our lives in their tracks?
- Or are we simply doomed to a life of what-ifs and maybes?
Fears are irrational beliefs that we have about ourselves, our actions, objects, other people or events. These fears only appear to be real within the recesses of our minds, however, they have absolutely no basis in reality. They are in some respects made-up interpretations that we make about things within the physical world.
So how do we overcome these fears?
Your questions are the keys that will open new possibilities and understandings that will further help you to overcome your fears rationally and proactively.
Your first step is to validate your fears- acknowledging that it exists in your reality. The second step is to come to understand your fears- determining the origin of the fear. The third step involves determining the consequences of your fears. And the final step helps you to plan rationally and proactively that will help you to overcome your fears.
Fear is nothing more than the uncertainty we feel about the outcomes, circumstances and the unpredictability of future events. We don’t want to go back to school because of the uncertainty that it might fail. We don’t want to stand up on a stage and speak in front of people because we are uncertain of people’s reactions and judgments.
About the author
Marie Ricketts-Scott founded HR Solutions MBJ in 2011 to answer the need for small & medium size organizations who were struggling to understand employee relations. HR Solutions MBJ is a human resource consultancy agency providing career advice and motivation to individuals and organizations. Since its start-up HR Solutions MBJ has guided the career of over 1500 candidates and continues to provide services in employee counseling, recruitment, sourcing and career advice.