Fear of Success
@Next Zero Financial Services

Fear of Success

When I started my accounting business all those year ago, I came up with a great tax advice product (or so I thought at that time). It was so great in my mind and in my plans that I thought it would be crazy successful and I wont have the resources to deal with all the incoming queries and work. I decided to roll it out gradually fearing my lack of capacity if the response was as expected.

The advice product did not set the taxation advisory world on fire as I expected and not much came out of it in terms of financial reward but I was at that moment introduced to a new concept and which I later came to know as the "Fear of Success."

So many of us are running great businesses, providing great services and developing and selling great products. At times we are still holding back because at the back of our minds are fears "If it all works out great as I planned, I might not be able to cope up with the demand", "If I deliver a great product, what would I do next?", "If I am more successful than my siblings or friends, would they treat me the same or envy me?", and the list goes on an on.

Not taking your best shot at success because of what you think might happen if you succeed is just a fear. Once you get there, there would be more mountains to conquer, more challenges to tackle and more battles to win.

Don't let your fear of success hold you back!


