The Fear of Story
Lisa Gerber
Strategic storyteller. I teach leaders how to communicate to connect so they can become more influential. | Speaker | Author | Trainer
I arrived at the venue an hour before my workshop began. The podium was encased in a plexiglass cage. As I walked around distributing colorful markers on the tables, I aligned the butterflies in my stomach by thinking about how I was about to help the 20 or so leaders about to file into the room. Instead of butterflies, I thought about ripples and delivering value to others.?
The first participant arrived and found her place. She looked up and asked about the plexiglass cage around the podium. I explained I had asked for extra security. She wasn’t sure whether to believe me or not. I was kidding. It was, I said, likely a relic of COVID.?
A relic of COVID.?
It felt funny to say that about something that was so close to us for so long and hasn’t left us. But it has left many habits, some of which I’m happy to say have gone. Others, not so much.?
How we protected ourselves, covered our faces, sequestered in our homes, forgetting the feel of the human touch or the energy of people in a room. Erecting plexiglass cages to keep us safe. To keep the virus from sneaking into our personal systems.?
We have ways to fend this off now, so I set up my notes, glass of water, and clicker outside the plexiglass cage.?
At the start, as always, I asked everyone to share their “why” story with a partner they didn’t know. At the six-minute mark, I asked them to describe their experience hearing the other person’s story. Without fail, people are moved to hear the story. They connect to it, find common ground, and start beautiful conversations. Six minutes is never enough for this exercise – they could have gone on much longer.?
Then, I asked what it felt like to tell their story. One person confessed they only felt comfortable telling their story here because it is a safe space. They wouldn’t actually tell it in a professional setting. Despite the fact they enjoyed hearing their partner’s story and despite the fact their partner just said they enjoyed hearing their story.
They are hesitant to stand outside the plexiglass cage where it feels unprotected, and perhaps a virus could attack them.
This idea (of withholding your story) is a relic of another time. The time now calls for relationships. Relationships, are built on conversations. A story is the currency of conversation.
Try it. I invite you to experiment and test it in an environment with small consequences. Once you see the impact of your story, it will change you. Pay attention to the feedback, not only verbally but physically, too. It’s interesting to see their perspective reflected back to you.?
Watch for yourself the power of story at work.?
Take care out there.
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