The fear of missing out
Aaron Caister
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Back in 2020, I had my eye on getting a new motorbike.
Now there was nothing wrong with my 2017 BMW S1000XR (why do bikes always have such stupid names?), yet the 2020 model had recently been released.
The new variant wasn't massively different, BUT it had some nice upgrades that solved many of my bugbears with the older model.
The new bike was also much better looking, IMO.
However, I was mostly undecided and spent a good 3 months faffing about and deciding if I should change or not.
Then the dealership I had been speaking to sent me an email with the following subject line.
"Don't miss out on your dream BMW."
The email was short, punchy and to the point.
It had sentences like -
"Order now to avoid disappointment"
"Don't miss the chance to ride away on your dream BMW"
Within the hour, I called the dealer, told them I was coming down, and the next day I spent 17k on a new bike.
The reason why is that they made me, the reader, feel like the bike was already mine by utilising the power of the word 'your' in a FOMO email.
And there is no reason why you couldn't do the same.
You could use a FOMO email either:
Let's take option 2 and say you deliver a service where spots are limited (coaching, done-for-you services, consulting etc.).
What would a good FOMO email look like?
The FOMO Email Template
Subject Line: Don't lose your spot
Email Body:
Just a quick one, [NAME].
I was wondering - Are you still interested in [working with me/ coaching programme name].
If so, let me know, I've had a spot open up, and I wouldn't want to give your spot to someone else.
I know [Month] can be a hectic time of year, but that's why I make [achieving goal] as quick, easy and stress-free as possible for you.
Once this space has gone, I have no idea when the next will open up.
So if you're ready to [specific outcome of working with you] and don't want to miss out on your place and your chance of us working together...
[Insert Call to Action - reply to this email, click here to book a spot etc.].
[Sign off]
I know every man and their dog does the whole 'spots are limited' nonsense when actually, they'll take as many people as will give them money.
But that's not my style.
I do genuinely cap my [coaching spots/programme spaces].
As I said, I know you expressed an interest before, which is why I wanted to give you first refusal.
If not, and you no longer want to [outcome], that's 100% OK. I'll just offer your space to other people on the waiting list.
So if you still want to achieve [specific outcome of working with you], act fast to secure your place by [Repeat Call to Action - replying to this email, clicking here to book a spot etc.].