“Fear is a mind killer.”
Michael Schwartz
Mission-Driven Naturopath Creates Effective Naturopathic Programs & Formulates Supplements to Address Health Concerns
This is a great line form the movie Dune.
Fear saps your strength, especially when you give in to it.
Now is the time to draw on your personal power and quiet strength.
Here’s what I suggest to my clients about the coronavirus:
Vitamin A 10,000 iu every hour if you are having systems. Not to exceed 300,000. This is true for fish liver oil. Do this for 3 days and no A for 3 days. Give liver time to process what is not used. Vitamin A nurtures anti-body maturation thus increasing your immune defenses.
If beta-carotene it does not matter how much you take. The body will convert what it needs. Too much and your skin will turn orange. Not a bad thing.We need more color diversity.
If no symptoms, take A every 3 hours as a prophylactic approach. Also take Vitamin D. It helps protect the lungs.
Vitamin C. If symptomatic. Take 1000 mugs every hour. If you develop diarrhea you are taking too much for your system. If not ill take with A every 3 hours.
Zinc. 15 mgs every 3 hours if ill. twice daily otherwise.
Pantothenic acid. This nourishes your adrenal glands. This is important because when you are under stress and the adrenals falter your immune system goes down with them.
As for herbs, echinacea and goldenseal root or Oregon grape root. Echinacea stimulates interferon production and both goldenseal and Oregon grape kill bacteria.
If you have questions feel free to reach out.