Fear mastery : Your secret weapon for sales success!
The Sales Activist
Strategic Sales Coaching & Advisory Services - Learn how to create explosive sales results and grow your business!
It's been a while since I've had a chance to write a new release of the IMPACT Sales Newsletter. My apologies. Life took over for a brief while, as it certainly can and does.
Today's topic is one that's close to my heart: Fear
I know that seems strange to say that, but it's true. As a guy who's spent his entire life in sales, I've been dealing with fear actively and in-depth professionally for well over 30 years. If you follow me or The Sales Activist brand, you probably have heard me say that I'm not in the sales coaching & training business, I'm in the "fear-removal business." It's very true. Helping people deal with fear has been a large part of the work that I do. It's ingrained into almost every element of my training and coaching, even if it doesn't seem so at first glance.
You see, I believe that fear mastery is one of the most powerful weapons that anyone involved in sales (or business) can possess. It's a game-changer. Leveraging it effectively can make the difference between succeeding or failing, or between thriving or dying. I've seen it THOUSANDS of times. Fear holds many people back from the success that they should really have in life and business. It can restrict growth and potential like few other things can. For some people, that statement hits very close to home and is a source of pain. For others, the ones who have developed fear mastery, it's a great source of pride.
It's important to understand a few things. Fear mastery is not removing fear. I believe a certain amount of fear is necessary in life. It helps create cautious pauses and can serve to protect us, to a degree. You can't completely remove fear from your life, but you can master it and move it to the side so you can do what must be done. It's still there and you won't forget it, but it won't restrict your abilities and hold you back. Fear can be an obstacle to success. Fear mastery is the antidote.
Fear mastery can enable you to more easily and closely reach your full potential. Instead of carrying fear on your back as an anchor holding you back from your success, you can master it's effect on you and make significant strides forward. Did you know that you were born with only TWO fears: The fear of heights and the fear of loud noises. That's it. Just TWO. Every other fear that you have in your life has been learned by you or conditioned into you. Doesn't it stand to reason then that you can condition yourself to no longer let fear hold you back? Yes, you certainly can.
I'm not saying that fears aren't relevant and should be ignored. They certainly are real and can be overwhelming for people. What I'm saying is that you don't need to have them restrict you from the sales success that you want or deserve for yourself. Fear mastery can be your personal secret weapon. It can take you places you never thought possible and insulate you from things that become barriers to success. You just have to be willing to dig deep and figure out how to master the fear you face.
If you're struggling with fear in your sales effort, I'd love to help. You can connect with me by texting the word "Sales" to the number (321) 421-5213. From there, you can schedule a time to talk 1-on -1 with me..
Here's to fear mastery and happy selling!