Fear and Love

Fear and Love

We are living in a strange time, there is so much competing for our attention, so much going on 24/7 and so much coming at us that many people feel overwhelmed, tried, even fearful.

So many people seem to want things from us and we go at a pace where we’re often moving too fast and then too tired from all that ‘doing’ to remember we’re human ‘beings’ and just being is what can recharge and feed us.

Sometimes just stopping to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us can calm us down, soothe us and get our minds and bodies ‘back to earth’.

These crazy times bring up a lot of fear for people. We feel a sense of displacement on the one hand – everything is moving so fast. And, we can feel left behind so quickly too. So many people seem to be feeling afraid and that fear confuses direction.

How little we give to others when we are entrenched in our own world of fear, or when we’re so enmeshed in ego and constantly worrying about being the best, having the right answers.

When you boil it down, there really are only two emotions – one of love – one of fear. And, they’re in conflict, so it’s a lifelong journey to learn how to live with and balance these emotions.

John Lennon States-

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”

When we are wanting more, feeling judgemental and comparing ourselves to everyone and feeling a lack, fear rules our lives.

When we can feel open and appreciative, happy for others, what some describe as ‘open at the top’ – then we can feel love – for them and radiates through ourselves back to feed our own soul, our own needs.

When we’re in that state of love, we let go of the desire to sabotage – others or ourselves. What comes from our heart is strong and true – even is we vulnerable, when we come from love instead of fear, we experience rewarding relationships (Note I didn’t say easy!), close friendships, caring and support.

We can express our purpose and maybe best of all; we can accept ourselves and others as they are, knowing we’re all doing the best we can. In some moments that looks and acts brilliant and in other moments, it doesn’t look quite so together.

It’s all part of the human experience that we can grow to love and accept too!

Open your heart whenever you’re able – to you, to those around you, out into your community and beyond.

Your love from the heart  is bigger than you know and more powerful.



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