Fear is a little girl with pigtails
Megan Tong
Coach for high-performers who want to earn more money and attain financial freedom. Co-founder of Kanga Pies.
A lot of people are using this time to start or find something new.
It could be a new side hustle, new job, or a new career altogether.
If this is you, what do you think is standing between you and success in your new endeavour?
Is it that you need to know more?
Is it that you just need to clean your whole house first, before you really start?
Is it that you need to take another course?
Is it that you need to perfect your LinkedIn profile?
If things like that are coming up for you, I want to tell you what is really getting in your way:
It’s Fear.
And guess what?
Fear isn’t dressed to kill, with fangs out and red eyes.
No no no.
Then you’d know it was Fear.
Instead, she’s dressed up as a harmless little Know-It-All with pigtails.
And here’s the kind of thing she says:
“If you really want to do that, you need to clean your whole house first. Because really, who is going to want to hire someone who can’t even keep their house clean?”
“Oh cool idea! But we don’t know anything about that...how about we go read all about it first!”
And here’s what I want to tell you:
Her advice is shit.
(She is coming from a good place, so don’t fault her for it.)
But if you’re going to get where you’re going, you’re going to have to kindly push her aside.
You're going to have to disregard her advice, and barrel ahead.
And you’re going to have to barrel ahead with the ACTUAL things that make a difference: activities that involve other people:
- Meeting other people and telling them what you’re looking for and how you can help
- Selling to other people.
- Providing value ahead of time to other people.
If you’re not spending the bulk of your time doing those things, just be on to yourself.
Be on to the Fear.
And decide right now who’s going to be driving the car: Her or You.?
P.S. Most of us can't see Fear for what she is, and that's where coaching comes in.
If you want help seeing where she's controlling your life, so you can finally stop letting her keep you from your dreams, reach out.
I can help.