Fear and Hope
Michael Fliegelman, CLU, ChFC, AEP, CLTC, RFC,
MassMutual Brokerage Director and Founder/President, Strategic Wealth Advisors Network and SWAN Life Brokerage
{4 minutes to read} Today, I wanted to share a piece from my very close friend, CPA, Investment RIA Partner Jonathan Gassman, who wrote to me recently. I reiterate the closing statement — I am grateful for all the folks we work with and help, and are here to chat if you would like.
Hi Michael,
I’m down in Florida visiting my 95-year-old mom.
We’ve been watching the news and reading the daily headlines.
She asked me if I thought hard times are here? I said no!
She is a pretty optimistic person as am I and I’ll explain why at the end.
Duly noted, people are dying, running for their lives, and watching everything they’ve worked for go up in literal flames.
And, because of technology, we’ve got a front-row seat in real time (turn off the news).
Energy prices are spiking, markets are melting down or perhaps they are simply reacting.
Oh yeah, there’s still a pandemic so I am wearing my mask when I go to Publix.
On top of whatever personal stuff we have going on, that might pale next to the suffering of war but is still a burden to carry on for some.
Sometimes, it’s just one thing after another and everything all at once.
What do we do? How do we deal with it?
Mother Mae says, it depends on the day.
Some days, we’re overwhelmed and struggle to make progress.
Other days we press on and focus on putting one foot in front of the other.
Some of us look to our faith for guidance.
We also remember that humans are resilient creatures who have survived and thrived through some terrible times.
Not too long ago Covid broke out and we were all concerned about how precious life is.
We remember that we’re not alone.
You’re not alone. I’m not alone. They’re not alone.
We reach out for help on our bad days and offer support on our good days.
We volunteer, donate, speak up, and take action.
There’s a quote by Mr. Rogers that often shows up during crises:
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”
As adults, we’ve got a greater burden to carry—we must become the helpers. Noodle on that.
My mom (mother Mae) said the secret to getting through is kindness and love.
If we look closely, we can find it happening right now.
Volunteers leaving strollers for Ukrainian families who will need them when they arrive in Poland and Slovakia.1
Residents of a refugee camp throwing a birthday party for a 7-year-old girl.2
Berliners welcoming refugees in train stations and opening their homes.3
Groups greeting Afghan refugees with open arms and housewarming gifts in Detroit.4
In the midst of everything, we can offer each other kindness, encouragement, and support.
I’m grateful Michael, and I’m here for you if you want to chat.
Hoping for peace,
Jonathan Gassman, CPA, CFP, CAP
The Gassman Financial Group
(212) 221-7067
Registered Representative offering Securities through American Portfolios Financial Services, Inc. (APFS) Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisory Services are offered through G&G Planning Concepts, Inc. which is not affiliated with APFS. Strategic Wealth Advisors Network and Gassman Financial Group are not affiliated with APFS.
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Michael Fliegelman, CLU, ChFC, AEP, CLTC, RFC
Founder / President, Strategic Wealth Advisors Network
(631) 262-9254
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