The fear that holds MOST people back
Michael Pearson
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As complex as fear can be, the fear of humiliation sabotages the bulk of our dreams and goals.
This is Felix Dennis, multimillionaire and mogul, in his book "How To Get Rich”:
“If you have ever wondered why there are so few really wealthy self-made men and women in the has little to do with chance and everything to do with your capacity to accept the risk of being humiliated in the attempt - not just once, but many times, perhaps.
“Ask yourself this question: What is one thing you know you should do, but you have not because you are afraid of rejection, embarrassment or someone else's opinion?
What would happen if you did that thing, today?
Is saving yourself from humiliation worth staying where you are?
Are you ok with not making progress, just to save yourself from feeling embarrassed?
Something to ponder, especially because you claim to be committed to greatness.?
Be Great,
Michael Pearson, Smart Home and Tech