Is Fear Holding You Back?
Declan O'Donoghue
CEO at Declan O'Donoghue Consulting. Executive Coach to Entrepreneurs who want work life perfection. ??Hypnotherapist ?? Acupuncturist ?? U12 Kids Soccer Coach ??. ???????????? Blessed Father. ?????? Married
Do you have a fear barrier? Do you want to know how to eliminate fear?
Let’s just take a look at this for a moment, because fear is considered a bad thing but it actually isn’t – it is how we use fear that causes the barriers.
Fear is there at times to protect us, like stepping too close to the edge of a cliff and seeing that it is not safe below. This will stop us from taking a further step and getting hurt. Fear is a survival instinct that will keep us out of harm’s way.
Now with any kind of fear good or bad we have a ‘choice’ through our conscious mind and ‘no choice’ through our sub conscious mind. Our conscious mind is the rational daily thinking and our subconscious mind is what has been programmed into us through the years in a series of events, it is our emotional response to situations.
However it is the way we use fear that will make a difference to our results. Ignorance is simply not knowing, knowledge is information (or knowing). We need to develop a true understanding of this. Through your conscious mind you can think anything you want and you can take control over your actions of whether you act on it or not. However our paradigm which is a multitude of information created in our subconscious mind that we don’t even know how or even they started, will often take over the conscious minds decisions and reactions.
The result is fear, anxiety, poor health (due to exasperated stress), and a negative vibration that only attracts more negative vibrations.
However if we deal with this fear, head on – if we learn to understand why we fear certain things then we can clear the negative vibrations that the conscious mind is creating. When we clear these negative fear barriers we open ourselves up to success, positive vibrations, and as we know when one thing starts going right it brings on a flow of success – why? Because our paradigm has changed, we no longer allow our subconscious mind dictate how we react to situations. Best of all our health thrives, no more depression, anxiety, feeling low, like there is no way out.
Do you push money away?
Do you work really hard but never truly achieve the success you want or deserve?
Do you live in fear of success or failure?
Do you really want to know how to create the life of health, wealth and success that you truly deserve?
Book your free strategy call with me today and see how you can overcome unnecessary fear