FEAR OF HEIGHTS: Illusion or a phobia?
Samin Sohail
Wavetec | Unilever FinAcademy 2022 | Pakistan Petroleum Limited | KTDMC | Head of Creative Department DIS | IoBM'22
How often does it happen that we are climbing a staircase and a sudden fear of falling down overcomes us? Well, it is not a coincidence or something that can be ignored. Acrophobia also commonly known as the fear of heights has become increasingly common these days. One out of twenty people suffer from acrophobia or the fear of heights. It is an anxiety disorder in which the individual has a constant fear of falling from a height or in worse cases the individuals are unable to visit places on high magnitudes for example mountains, elevators, terrace or rooftop of a tall building, and even a staircase. Such individuals are also unable to fly in an airplane, which is the most convenient mode of transport in the modern world. This phobia is mostly a response of a childhood experience, but there are other triggers too.