That Fear of Failure
Failure comes with negative emotions like disappointment, embarrassment, confusion, emotional pain, and sometimes financial loss.
But did you know that every time you failed at something, you just got some insight into what doesn't work? So, in essence, you just learned a lesson. But only when you choose to see things that way!
?The problem with failure is that most times, our minds focus on negative emotions. Not the lessons (jewels, actually) that are to be extracted from the experience.
Yet without lessons, there is no growth!
So what do you do?
Learn to focus on the lessons in every experience. Now that isn't easy. If it were, then there won’t be any need for this article.
But there’s a way around that.
You can get a mentor with the fear of God in them.
Such a person has walked the path you are on, and they have made enough mistakes and learned how to LEARN from these experiences.
?Mentors provide you with a set of shoulders that you can climb on to scale those obstacles you will DEFINITELY experience on your journey to greatness.
There is no way around it.
Anyone who tells you that life as a Christian is smooth sailing is LYING to you. Oga, even Jesus Christ(whom we strive to be like) went through a lot while he lived here, so why do you think life will be smooth and stress-free!
The way forward is not to be afraid of failure because it is an important ingredient in life's meal.
However, like salt, too much of it(failure) will make even the most expensive meal(life)difficult to eat.
That is why you need God in the picture. Ask Him for directions. Let Him order your steps.
And in all your doings, get a God-fearing mentor.
It’s your time to be FRUITFUL!!!
Have a great day. Cheers!!!
# Knowledge is The New Money#