Fear Factor
Yeah, yeah … I know that the Deep State is a powerful adversary. Or at least that’s what my MAGA buddies on twitter keep shouting at me.
But I’ll take the Deep State as an enemy any day compared to Steve Schwarzman and the rest of the Private Equity Tong looking to keep their carried interest tax treatment.
Wall Street is starting to take the possibility of an Elizabeth Warren presidency seriously — and strategists warn a victory could crush certain parts of the market [Business Insider]
"Trump is still likely to win reelection “by a hair,” they added, but “investors are not appropriately weighting the likelihood of a Warren presidency.”
They may want to start paying attention, because a Warren victory — and an overall Democratic takeover of the Senate and White House — could hit the financial, health care, and energy sectors as progressive regulation hits bottom lines, the strategists said."
Apax Partners Says Warren, Ocasio-Cortez Shouldn’t Target Firm [Bloomberg]
"A spokesman for Apax Partners LLP says the private equity firm doesn’t have the kinds of investments in prison services that three progressive lawmakers are targeting in a letter they sent the company."
Wall Street Democratic donors warn the party: We’ll sit out, or back Trump, if you nominate Elizabeth Warren [CNBC]
“You’re in a box because you’re a Democrat and you’re thinking, ‘I want to help the party, but she’s going to hurt me, so I’m going to help President Trump,’” said a senior private equity executive, who spoke on condition of anonymity in fear of retribution by party leaders.
Cramer: Wall Street executives are saying Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 bid has ‘got to be stopped’ [CNBC]
"Leaders in the financial industry are really worried about the possibility of Sen. Elizabeth Warren becoming president, CNBC’s Jim Cramer said Tuesday.
CNBC’s David Faber tells Cramer that he’s hearing the same rumblings about Wall Street being fearful of a Warren presidency."
My favorite part of that last CNBC article is the bit where David Faber chirps in to say that he’s hearing the same thing.
I’ll just leave this here.
“Hey, Spike!”
In the immortal words of Bulldog Jim, “There’s always a bull market somewhere!”, and right now we are in a roaring bull market for unflattering Elizabeth Warren photos.
It’s the key to critical thought in a Fiat News world …
Why am I reading this NOW?
Welcome to The Long Now, where we must endure the constant stimulus that Management applies to our economy and the constant fear that Management applies to our politics.
Hey, we’ve only got FOUR MONTHS before the first actual vote is cast in the Democratic primary.
This is going to get SO much worse before it gets ANY better.
Yours in service to the pack – Ben
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