Is fear-driven testing holding your software quality back?

Is fear-driven testing holding your software quality back?

Discover strategies to find a way forward in imperfect circumstances

By José Carréra Alvares Neto

What is fear-driven testing?

Fear-driven testing (FDT) is an accidental approach to software testing that results from a scenario where the people involved in software quality activities (Quality Assurance (QAs), developers, business analysts, etc) conduct their tasks mainly out of fear that defects will escape and reach production.

This can happen for several reasons, such as pressure from the business, unfamiliarity with the domain, hard deadlines, etc. Another key aspect is how quality is perceived by the team/business: Is quality ownership shared among the team? How are quality gates applied??

If the scenario you are facing is QA-centred, without proper involvement from other disciplines, it leads to QAs approaching testing with the fear of being blamed if a bug is not caught before production.

FDT can be very detrimental to a software development project and affect software testing best practices. It not only impacts our ability to continuously deliver value to our customers but also affects our team’s morale and satisfaction as our practices create extra work without much value. Slower feedback due to longer test execution cycles, excessive focus on end-to-end testing, and centralised quality ownership on QAs are some examples of how it affects our daily work. Usually, when this occurs, teams don’t even realise they are in this position. Therefore, being aware of FDT is the first step for us to properly understand its impact and start working towards moving away from it.?

Cambridge Dictionary defines fear as “an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is happening or might happen”. In software development, we might be worried or frightened about a future release or, worse, acting on fear due to previous traumatic experiences with earlier releases. If we get it right, fear can be a powerful fuel to help keep us alert and focused, helping us spot where things might go wrong, and what requires extra attention. The problem begins when fear is our only guide, making us overlook other factors like risk analysis, end-user understanding, system design, and how to simplify and facilitate our testing.

In this article, we’ll explore why some teams / companies fall into this scenario. Then we’ll discuss the symptoms of FDT, its impact, and finally, how to improve the situation.

Understanding the causes of FDT

Understanding the root cause of an issue is a common approach in software development, and similarly, we can understand FDT by identifying some of the reasons we might find ourselves in this position. Once we understand the referenced areas, we can analyse their impact and how we can move forward.?

In this section, we’ll describe some issues we have observed and how, from a quality assurance perspective, they fuel the fear-driven approach.?

Little domain knowledge

Most people involved in any software development role (developers, testers, business analysts, etc) will likely face the challenge of working in unfamiliar business domains. As we join a new project or company, it’s expected that our domain knowledge will increase over time, therefore allowing us to make better decisions. However, the lack of domain knowledge can quickly become a problem when team members are constantly changing, communication is inefficient, and existing documentation is poor. Making it harder for new joiners to get to a position where they are comfortable with the new area.


The lack of domain knowledge within the team will directly lead to a fear-driven approach. Change’s impacts won’t be properly evaluated, resulting in test execution cycles bloated with unnecessary scenarios.?


Efficient documentation and knowledge sharing. Domain knowledge fuels and empowers good decision making, it gives team members understanding of how each functionality behaves and how they interact with different parts of our system. Therefore, we can do efficient risk analysis and targeted scoping of testing.

Unfamiliarity with the architecture and code base

Designing and executing an efficient test strategy that runs from project inception to features being released to the end customers requires that proper validation is built on each step of the way, from unit tests to end-to-end scenarios. Quality needs to be part of the team’s daily business, and testing across all levels of the testing pyramid is crucial to get early feedback on changes.?

When there is little collaboration between testers and developers, it creates a lack of visibility and understanding of what’s actually being tested on each level, causing extra work to be repeated unnecessarily. A feature that can be fully tested at unit and component levels ends up being retested from an end-to-end perspective, where maintenance costs are usually higher.?


Little or no collaboration between testers, developers and other functions creates silos of knowledge. Leading to duplicated work across different levels and lack of trust.


Encourage collaboration, pairing and knowledge sharing across different functions. Get testers to work on lower level tests, developers to work on end-to-end and team members to work together on different testing types, like performance testing.

Lack of context on how the parts work together

Sam Newman [1] defines microservices as independently releasable services that are modelled around a business domain, where a service encapsulates functionality accessible to others via networks. For example, one might handle inventory, another order management, and yet another shipping, but together they might constitute an entire ecommerce system.

As the number of applications built using a microservices architecture increases [2] [3]. It is essential to understand each service’s role to plan accordingly. What services do we rely on? How can we validate our integration with them? How can we identify if we are introducing a breaking change? Do we have the necessary tools in place??

Without the answer to these kinds of questions,? we will find ourselves in a position where every change needs to be treated as “high risk”, and we end up adding extra layers of validation to feel confident we are not breaking any relevant flow.


Lack of understanding of internal or external integrations.?


Efficient documentation and communication of how each part integrates with one another. Implementation of various tools (e.g. API testing tools, test management tools etc.) to track dependencies, manage the contract between parties and API version management.

Inadequate service isolation

One of the main benefits of microservices is that it should allow us to validate each service independently. To achieve this, we need to understand how we communicate with other integrated services and plan our tests accordingly, so we can determine what functionality can be validated at each level.?

Good collaboration between teams, proper documentation of service contracts, and proper tooling to allow for stubs to be used at the correct test levels are fundamental. Our testing must be planned and designed to take full advantage of this architecture; otherwise, we won’t benefit from it.?


Inability to validate services in isolation.


Collaboration between different teams to allow for proper mocking (or alternative solutions) to be introduced, allowing for different tests to be added at the appropriate level.

Hard deadlines

Deadlines are common in most software development projects due to reasons like contractual agreements, commercial dates (e.g. Christmas, Black Friday, etc.), competition, etc.?

Under these circumstances, time is non-negotiable, therefore in order to not sacrifice quality we need to ensure that testing happens continuously throughout the entire project without being compromised by scope increases.?

On its own, the fixed deadline is already an aspect that brings concerns for most team members. From a testing perspective, they often mean testing time might be cut short, making it crucial that validation is in place across all levels as early as possible. If testing is reduced to a second class citizen, the risk of an inefficient and chaotic test stage happening at the end increases significantly.?


Testing limited to the final stages and executed under limited time.


Testing happens throughout the entire software development lifecycle. Automation is in place at different levels and a continuous testing approach including exploratory and acceptance testing happens as soon as features are available.

Pressure from management

Dealing with the pressure of a coming release is part of our job, but things can get sour quite quickly when certain practices increase pressure, such as:

  • Isolated testing at the end of a release,
  • lack of coverage across different testing levels,
  • no team ownership of quality,
  • unclear priorities, etc.

Under these circumstances, QAs are often seen only as bearers of bad news, causing a bottleneck through issues being raised. Another frequent problem is treating testing as a trivial activity, which anyone can perform, leading to poor test efficiency, insufficient coverage, and poorly described issues that end up standing in the way, instead of providing a clear direction.


No sharing or team ownership of product quality, leading to testing seen as a bottleneck.


Quality set as first class citizens, where everyone is responsible for it. Testing happens throughout the entire project, issues are discussed and prioritised as early as possible.

Inefficient test data management

Managing test data is a common challenge in software development, especially when it requires collaboration between multiple teams owning different services. It is through the availability of relevant data that we can exercise realistic customer flows and increase our level of confidence that the software behaves as expected.?

Lack of test data ensures defects are missed, feeding the cycle of fear, and creating further pressure and delays to subsequent test cycles.?


Inability to identify and manage relevant test data.


Identify test data requirements as soon as possible, ensure efficient mechanisms are in place to provide test data across all levels.

Limited test environments

Testing can only be effective and provide valuable feedback, throughout the entire development cycle, when executed in adequate test environments. From the tests we run on our local machines, to the ones that are executed in the different stages of our continuous integration / deployment pipelines.?

Restrictions will always exist, such as limited number of instances, mocks instead of full integration, limited test data, 3rd party dependencies, etc. These sorts of issues can hinder our ability to extend automated checks coverage, increasing the need for manual checks. More importantly, when the test environment’s purpose is not clearly defined, teams start to believe that the application can only be safely tested in a fully integrated environment, leading to inefficient retests across all environments.?


Unavailability of test environments or not configured according to each level of testing’s purpose.


Specify requirements needed for each test environment, define its purpose and plan which sets of tests are to run on each environment.

Test duplication

Test duplication can be beneficial or harmful. In some cases, exercising a functionality across different test levels (unit, component, integration, UI) enhances coverage as each level identifies different issues.

However, harmful duplication increases testing time without much benefit:

  • Testing the behaviour of services we consume (internal or external), increasing our testing scope beyond what we have built and repeating tests already been done by service owners
  • Retesting through the UI application logic that has been tested at lower level
  • Manual testing scenarios already covered by automation?
  • Creating end-to-end tests across multiple teams, with different teams testing the same flows


Repeating the same tests across different teams or re-testing at a higher level functionality when it is better covered at a lower level.


Identify application boundaries and implement automated checks at the appropriate levels.

Endless testing

When driven by fear, test scope tends to be larger than required. Since there is a lack of trust in the previous test stages, those in charge of planning the next iteration tend to be overly cautious, resulting in errors like:

  • Re-running previously executed tests that haven’t been impacted by recent changes
  • Setting unrealistic criteria to consider a test stage complete, for example, no new issues raised regardless of severity
  • Requiring fixed issues to be retested by multiple parties


No clear and well defined exit criteria for testing activity.


Definition of a clear and realistic exit criteria, together with continuous analysis of changes when planning the next test iteration

Overfocus on end-to-end testing

According to ISTQB Glossary [4], end-to-end testing is? “A type of testing in which business processes are tested from start to finish under production-like circumstances.”. Driven usually from the UI, this testing is conducted in an environment as close as possible to production, which is extremely valuable and can fill in the gaps from previous testing levels.?

Problems begin when we lack trust or understanding of how these lower level tests work, then as a consequence we start making the assumption that the more end-to-end coverage equals more confidence in the application.

By its nature, end-to-end tests are time consuming, no matter if performed manually or automated. From test data management to coordinating deployments and scenario setup, they always mean longer feedback cycles. Therefore, balancing what needs to be tested at this level is highly important.


Misunderstanding lower level test’s abilities to identify issues. Assuming that only end-to-end tests are capable of ensuring the application behaves as desired.


Limit end-to-end tests to the smaller number possible, ensuring efficient coverage is provided from other levels of testing.

Bugs raised instead of team communication

Bugs or change requests are the formal way QAs communicate findings to their teams, usually through a defect management tool, like JIRA. They are a useful mechanism to facilitate conversations with other parties, help triage issues, and determine its priority/severity.

Problem starts when bugs become a measure of “testing effectiveness”. A test cycle starts and managers direct conversations through stats like the number and severity of issues raised. Under this context, it is also common for people to feel that their findings won’t be looked at, unless they are logged as issues, leading to more invalid defects being raised.

Encouraging raising bugs before asking questions and investigating behaviour leads to defects being raised with several problems, like:

  • Lack of information
  • Wrong severity/priority
  • Invalid issues


Bugs being treated as the only way to communicate and discuss findings or problems.


Encourage earlier communication to clarify functionality behaviour, document common questions, review defects and act on them in a timely manner.

Multiple reviews / approvals for testing artefacts

Another indicator of fear-driven testing is the lack of trust in individual teams ensuring their service’s correctness and integration safety.

Activities such as test planning and design are then put through a sequential list of steps, where nothing is considered complete without external reviews/approvals. The team’s ability to specify and plan which scenarios are part of a given test cycle is frequently questioned as an attempt to oversee what is tested and how it will be performed.?

As you can imagine this increases the amount of time that needs to be invested and the number of people, again creating extra work that produces very little value.


Lengthy approval processes, lack of trust and ownership.


Implement a more lightweight artefact review processes that encourages ownership and delegates responsibilities.

Excessive documentation

Software testing documentation comes in various forms: test plans, test cases, test reports, etc. Its intent is to provide the team information on how we are approaching quality, what is covered by our tests and what results have been achieved. Through review, we can improve our approach and provide more effective, reliable information to stakeholders.

Under a blame culture, documentation efforts increase as a defence mechanism. Documentation starts to be used as a tool to indicate that the “process” was followed, reviewers approved the plan, and thus, we are not the ones to be blamed by that escaped defect.

For example, a set of automated end-to-end tests might be built and run as follows:

  • Cucumber as the BDD framework to ensure scenarios are readable and traceable to user stories
  • Traceability between tests and stories published as documentation
  • Test pipelines publishing HTML reports after each run
  • Automated test results included as part of the overall test execution cycle
  • Final quality summary report added to wiki for each release


Repeated documentation across multiple places.


Reduce and simplify the artefacts that are manually maintained. Automate documentation where possible, such as release notes.

The impacts and consequences of not dealing with FDT

Slower feedback

One of the reasons we test is to provide our team and stakeholders with valuable information? during the different software development lifecycle stages, allowing for better-informed decisions. As seen during the previous sections, fear-driven testing adds unnecessary tasks, blowing up scope/time and causing slower feedback cycles.?

Team dissatisfaction

The way we work as a team and our ability to influence our processes is an important factor in regards to team satisfaction. Fear-driven testing impacts team morale and satisfaction in multiple ways:

  • Blame culture and fear of escaped defects increases stress, making even taking part in daily standup meetings stressful
  • Slower feedback impacts our ability to release and team morale, making work completion painful and time-consuming
  • Lack of ownership promoted by the excessive number of reviews and approvals
  • Feeling ineffective, through spending time doing activities that provide little value, like replicating test reports in different places

QA becomes a bottleneck

As we focus on the fear of missing defects, QAs are put into a central position where they become the gatekeepers. Everyone feels the pain of waiting for testing results, but at the same time no one wants to own or take responsibility for approvals.

Combined with factors like lack of application understanding, little trust on lower level tests, excessive end-to-end testing focus, excessive documentation, and lengthy approval processes, every change undergoes a time-consuming process where risk and impact are poorly accessed.?

How to minimise the impacts of fear driven testing

Fear isn’t a problem as long as we understand and act to prevent or minimise its impact. The first step is recognizing fear-driven testing. Some issues can be tackled by the QA team, like test duplication and end-to-end testing overfocus, while others, like approval layers or excessive documentation, require wider team effort.

As we said in the beginning, being afraid or worried about a possible outcome is not a problem as long as we manage to understand the reasons behind it and act to prevent or minimise its impact. The first step is recognizing that our testing is being led by fear. Amongst the problems that we have described some of them can be tackled by the QA team, like test duplication and end-to-end testing overfocus, while others, like the number of approval layers or excessive documentation, require wider team effort.?

A general approach involves:

  1. Identifying what activities/processes are a result of acting on fear instead of information.?
  2. Breaking down problems and identifying necessary changes we need to implement to our testing or processes. Ideally, we would want those tasks to be as small as possible, to facilitate them being acted on.?
  3. Prioritising tasks and tag who needs to be involved on each type of task, allowing the team to address more problematic areas first.
  4. Implementing identified tasks, technical or process-oriented, separating those under control from those needing further communication layers.

Finally, this needs to be part of a continuous improvement cycle, it won’t be finished in one iteration and it won’t provide results unless we keep monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of our actions. Software quality needs to become part of the company’s day-to-day thinking, from higher management to junior testers and developers, everyone has a role to play so we can increase the level of confidence in our software development lifecycle and our ability to deliver software that delivers value to our customers.

To Wrap Up

Fear-driven testing is a dysfunctional testing approach that can slowly creep into a team’s ways of working or even at a wider company level. Letting our work be driven by the fear of defects escaping to production or getting the blame for an incident will not only affect our ability to release, but it will also impact the team's mental health and above all it won’t ever guarantee that no issues will escape.?

Moving away from fear-driven testing

Getting the right amount of testing performed at the right level and within the desired time is not an easy task. Quality needs to be part of everyone’s responsibility, then teams will be better equipped to increase confidence and provide meaningful information to stakeholders in a timely manner.

Ensuring that risk analysis is a priority, encouraging a culture of domain knowledge sharing, and pushing for early and a continuous testing approach at all levels are valuable tools to prevent fear-driven testing.


  1. Building Microservices - Sam Newman
  2. New Research Shows 63% of Enterprises Are Adopting Microservices Architectures
  3. Microservices Adoption in 2020
  4. ISTQB - International Software Testing Qualification Board - Glossary
  5. Pitfalls & Challenges Faced During a Microservices Architecture Implementation | Cognizant?
  6. Understanding End-to-End Microservices Testing | BrowserStack?
  7. Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture?
  8. Testing Microservices: an Overview of 12 Useful Techniques - Part 1 - InfoQ?
  9. Fear Driven Development and How To Tackle It | Codurance
  10. Fear-driven Development - Paul Stiffler?
  11. Fear-Driven Development - Glossary?
  12. Fear Driven Development - FDD - Scott Hanselman's Blog?
  13. What is the project management triangle and how can it help your team?
  14. Beyond the iron triangle

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Anders Kj?rby Jacobsen

Test Solution Architect @ GN Group

5 个月

Great article! It describes many observations and conclusions that I have made myself. One part I think is super important is the lack of visibility across test levels. This not only affects the direct team-members like developers and testers, but also the stakeholders. If the stakeholders lack confidence in the quality, they will push for even more testing, resulting in multiplication of the many negative effects mentioned in this article.

Mohit Khatri

Automation Architect | Java | Python | MicroServices | Spring-Boot | Cucumber | REST Assured | Selenium

6 个月

It's one of the finest examples where each and every cause of FDT is defined perfectly.

Melissa Fisher

Identifying quality/testing problems and implementing effective solutions.

6 个月

This is a fantastic article. Thank you!

Priyanka Yadav

Software Test Engineer | Expert in Manual & Automation Testing | Experienced in Cypress & Selenium | Agile & Scrum Methodologies| Expert in Web-Based Testing, API Testing

6 个月

Getting the right amount of testing done at the right level, within the desired timeline, is no easy feat. Quality needs to be everyone's responsibility, but understanding the core QA tasks while following structured processes can sometimes be tricky. This article dives deep into real, day-to-day scenarios where we often face challenges and confusion, especially when it comes to guiding junior testers. It provides valuable insights on how to handle these situations effectively. Definitely worth sharing with the QA team to spark an impactful conversation around quality and testing strategies

Akhil Gupta

Quality Engineering Leader | Senior QA Manager | Artificial Intelligence | Agile & PMP Certified | Test Automation | Test Specialist

6 个月

Very well articulated ?? these are not easy situations that you can solve just by following the process as there are a lot of other factors involved to improve on this. such situations really give you a tough time and good exposure to tackle and fix it.


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