Fear. Courage. Opposing Forces? Here’s The Missing Link!
Naomi Stohlmann, M.A., M.Ed., PCC
Innovating strategies that guide leaders, teams, and organizations to overcome obstacles, face uncertainty, and achieve their goals.
Did you ever play with magnets as a kid? There was something fascinating about the “click” of two magnets coming together and the resistance of two opposing each other. Did you ever wonder why that happened? Of course, there is a scientific explanation.
The law of attraction and repulsion. Opposing forces (negative and positive charges) attract and like forces (negative-negative and positive-positive charges) repel each other. From this scientific vantage point, what is your perspective when it comes to fear and courage?
First, let’s begin with a definition of both.
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, fear is defined as “an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is happening or might happen.” Fears can arise that are real, imagined, or anticipated as a result of internal chatter, external circumstances, and/or past experiences.
The Cambridge Dictionary, also defined courage as “the ability to control your fear in a dangerous or difficult situation.” Yet, there are many types of courage beyond bravery. Courage is all about your response.
So, let’s get back to you.?
When fear, faith, and courage come together, God guides us to act. I don’t know about you, but when I include the missing link of faith (prayer, scripture, wise counsel, etc.), God provides wisdom, discernment, and direction that lead to better outcomes. My courage is God-inspired, that is, my strength and resolve are rooted in Him, our relationship, and His purposes.
At Innovative Leadership Solutions, we have identified the 5 most common Giants facing leaders, teams, and organizations. Every Giant in your life brings fear along with them. To become a battle-ready leader, team, and organization, you must pick up some stones (rock-solid solutions) to face and take down your Giants anytime, anywhere, and any place.
Just like a warrior, you must train to become battle-ready. By the way, warriors would pray before entering battle. While you may not be going to war, your reality is filled with many challenges and fears (i.e., failure, rejection, punishment, etc.) which can be a “battle.” Do not let your Giants trigger these fears that keep you fighting, avoiding, and/or paralyzed to take action. “Courage is fear that has said its prayers” is a quote from American silent actress, Dorothy Bernard. While her intent may not have been faith-based, I believe her metaphor is spot on.
Do not succumb to the Giants in your work and life! Run towards your Giants with God’s help first and experience courage in a whole new light with better outcomes!
“Never let your fear decide your future.” Dipak Agarwal
Click here to learn more about the 5 most common Giants.
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