Paul Haycock
Commercial Cleaning | Delivering Cleaning & Hygiene solutions in a changing Covid world
If you were to ask me several years ago that I would be hitting the pavement cold calling I would have said you were mad! How could I ever do that? I've never done that before! Fear is one of the crippling things that gets in the road of successful sales people, including me.
With that said over the last 18 months with hardly any cold calling experience I am now able to regularly bring in cleaning contracts for my fantastic Franchisees. How do I do this without years of sales experience? Well the following are some things that I have found that have helped me to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of annual cleaning contract work on a regular basis.
When I first started out I took time to watch what successful sales people were doing. I partnered with those who had the runs on the board. Even though they seemed like natural born sales people, I soon learned that they did the same thing that I was doing when they first started out. I have found even though we all have different personalities there are some basic principles if implemented work for most people.
I have found that even with differing personalities, using a trusted script works well when cold calling. It certainly helps the newbie to know what to say when there are objections to what you are offering. Good scripts should cover the common rejections and knowing what to say helps you overcome rejection. One thing i have learned is just because someone says no doesn't always mean that they won't take up your offer, it may be just not that day. Using a script has given me overall confidence and helped me when I wouldn't normally know what to say.
You would think this is common sense but the fear factor often paralyses us from actually going out and trying. I can remember times where I didn't feel confident to go, but when I made the effort and followed the scripting I was pleasantly surprised in what was gained on that day. My advise to you is to schedule times to go out and stick to it.
You never know you might be the next Sales superstar of your company if you would but be willing to learn, follow & be consistent.