The fear of asking for help
Dianne Traynor
Collaborative professional with a talent for building strong customer relations and advocacy. Experienced in both leadership and team player roles with a passion for delivering the best outcome for all stakeholders.
Why is it easier to give help rather than ask for it? This was a question I found myself asking this morning.
I was thinking about career opportunities and realised that if someone reaches out to me asking for support, an introduction, some advice, an endorsement, I am always happy to listen, chat, do what I can and try to help them. Why then do I find it so difficult to do the same for myself?
It is something I am working on and it is gaining momentum, like building a muscle I have never used before - the more I do it, the stronger I become, determined to take the risk and ask - after all, what's the worst that can happen? They say no, or ignore my request - so what!?! Am I any worse off? Apart from perhaps a little ego bruising and that fades over time, doesn't it? And who knows, that simple request for help may bring unexpected opportunities, so what's a few bruises along the way.
Maybe you grew up being told "Never show your vulnerability, it is a sign of weakness and people will just walk over you" or maybe you've tried before and been met with deathly silence, or maybe you've been told you have to change some innate characteristic about yourself that you value to succeed; or maybe because of these things, somewhere along the line you lost your confidence. Maybe you faced what felt like unconquerable problems and it simply took all your energy to survive, but you did survive and here you still stand; so whatever the reasons, I'd like to propose you try again!
After all, I remember reading it took Thomas Edison 1,000 attempts before he invented the lightbulb! So if you've tried 100 times, you're only a tenth of the way there!
I remembered listening to a talk by Tony Robbins where he said that things will not change until you reach the point where your mind screams "Enough!" Maybe when we reach that point, we start taking risks and putting ourselves out there. We might feel that unwavering need to be doing something more fulfilling, more rewarding - either emotionally or financially - more challenging, or where we can make a bigger impact or difference to others. Whatever the motivation, if you've reached that point, chances are you need help to get to the point your heart desires. So why not ask for it?
Now I don't know about you but I can rattle off a hundred scenarios, if I'm honest with myself, where life would have taken a completely different path if I had either asked for help, or asked more people for help. But it's never too late to learn and if, like me, you still believe you have a lot to offer and the passion still burns strongly to achieve a position where you can contribute and make a difference; then get asking, get yourself out there and keep believing that it will happen. Let the past rejections, dismissals and naysayers fade into your history. Yesterday is not an indication of tomorrow, there are miracles occurring all around us every single day.
I started hearing the Diana Ross song "Reach out and touch somebody's hand" as I was writing this article and although that song is obviously meant to inspire us to give, could it also not be about receiving? I know, for me, it is a great feeling when I can help someone; be it helping them gain a position they were going for, financial help, a place to stay when they had nowhere to go, an outfit to wear to an interview, listening when they needed to vent or simply talk, a shoulder to cry on or some words of encouragement when they felt they were failing. So would not someone else feel the same if I was to reach out and ask?
Life is a rollercoaster and we all need a little help to navigate the ups and downs at times. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help. You might just make somebody's day!
(c) Dianne Traynor 22 April 2019
PLC programmer & Graphic Designer
1 年InshaAllaha off course
Food Industry
2 年That is totally correct
Administration & Sales Support, OneTeamIt Pty Ltd - Contract
2 年I know I don’t ask for help, I know because I feel that it possibly shows that I am weak & I can’t handle things. Asking for help is important because I am sure there is someone out there that will have the knowledge that I need ????????????
2 年Is a lowly client, a victim of the 'systems', someone who shouldn't even be listened to, let alone be taken seriously, permitted to answer something like this? I'm a bi-polar (high functioning), with childhood PTSD, and a scorching case of ADHD. I'm an alcoholic and an addict. I'm also a convicted felon, everything I was destined to be, having grown up in the systems. I'm now in recovery, almost 4 years. Haven't even had a cigarette, not in almost 6 years. I've written a tell all, about having had to grow up, being different, having had to and continuing to have to be a part of the systems here in Massachusetts. I've designed a puzzle book, one that's based on recovery, both addiction and mental health. I am today what I am determined to be. I think I've seen my one year, one that's come and will soon be gone. Maybe these books will be published, maybe they won't, but it's not going to matter.? Have had one heart attack already. Have stents in me, with remaining blockages. I have Dystonia, 2 types, one being cervical. Another attack or an episode and I'll most likely be dead. I have letters, from 4 different doctors, stating I need to be priority status, with champ housing. They know, and they don't care. They're unable to see past two words, convicted felon. There are two serious flights of stairs where I live, that are what the doctors keep writing warnings about. These are what, it's likely, are going to kill me. Champ is discriminating against me. Not only are they using excuses, to not prioritize me, they're creating reasons. My workers, those in Eliot services know this. There's little even they can do. I hope to live long enough, to see my work published, to get to finish and enjoy my '1 year.' I heard this story once, on a show that was called m.a.s.h. There was a man, I forget his name. According to the story, he developed either a machine for or the process of creating plasma. Ironically, he died outside of a 'whites only' hospital. He'd been injured and had bled to death. The irony, the hospital in question wasn't just using what he'd created to save lives, they were the first to use it. I think I get how he must have felt. My work may just get published, my having done something no one else has done with RECOVERY before, and I'll be able to help others, and it won't matter. I'll still have died, unnecessarily, because someone not only judged but misjudged me. I wonder if that guy, that black guy, will be there at the finish line waiting for me. It feels like we'll have a lot to talk about. I'm almost 52. My year is nearly up. That's okay. It's not like anyone posting these things ever bothers to read the responses to them! [email protected] Benjamin Blackwell (previously known as Liam Macleod)
Healthcare Professional
3 年Sometimes it takes 10 years to get to that 1 year that will change your life.