FDIC approves purchase of SVB by a family firm
Free Float LLC
Creators of Free Float Analytics (TM). Authors of Business Pants. Guerrila #ESG. No phonies.
FRIDAY WRAP | 03.24.23
Story of the Week: The IPCC Climate Science Report
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“I am leaving you with this letter, written on the sunset of my last day as ceo for all of you to read on the morning of this new era. This is not a letter with advice. Everything you need to know resides inside of each of you.”
Exhaustingest of the Week: Buy-Now-Pay-Later
SVB was bought by a firm with worse governance and less risk oversight!
The North Carolina-based First Citizens bought SVB. The deal includes the purchase of about $72 billion of SVB assets at a discount of $16.5 billion.
"We are committed to building on and preserving the strong relationships that legacy SVB's Global Fund Banking business has with private equity and venture capital firms."
-Frank B. Holding, Jr., CEO of First Citizens Bank
Board Sabermetrics identifies First Citizens as a family firm because three directors control 75% of board influence.
While First Citizens does have a risk committee, there are no risk experts on it. Not to mention, the collective influence of the risk committee is 5%.
This analysis leads us to conclude that SVB was bought by a firm with worse governance and less risk oversight than the SVB board. Well done, FDIC!
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It’s a Conspiracy Theory Tuesday on the Business Pants Corporate Theater stage. The troupe transports you to the offices of short seller, Hindenburg Research. Named after the 1937 Hindenburg disaster, which they characterize as a human-made avoidable disaster, the firm generates public reports via its website that allege corporate fraud and malfeasance. Let’s listen in to two tweaky, twerky, twerpy, tweety Hindenburg Research analysts.
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