FDA under Hot Water, Brain Waves making Music, Y chromosome fully decoded, Digital Twin & AI in clinical studies, Major layoffs in Biotech
6th Edition - August 2023

FDA under Hot Water, Brain Waves making Music, Y chromosome fully decoded, Digital Twin & AI in clinical studies, Major layoffs in Biotech

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?? A sixth edition of the LAP Health Newsletter is available. Keep informed :) We have curated a list of the most note-worthy news and updates from the month of August. We hope you enjoy.

CLICK ON THE PICTURE for the NEWS, and flip through by clicking on the lower right edge of each page.

Here are some of the highlights:

COVID19 and RSV vaccines and funding - 阿斯利康 | Sanofi | Beyfortus? (nirsevimab-alip)

Pharma Round Up:

BioTech Round Up:

Research Round Up:

  • Addiction medicine and neuroscience: #genetherapy curbs alcohol use disorder in primates
  • Regenerative Medicine: erasing epigenetic "memory' to improve quality of #stemcells
  • Voice and Hearing Technology: Pink Floyd song reconstructed from brain waves with AI
  • Genetics and Genomics: #Ychromosome fully sequenced for the first time

Politics & Policy RoundUp:

  • Canada's Healthcare towards privatization, US negotiating drug prices under Medicare.

AI in Healthcare

Updates from the world of AI


PharmaDive | Fierce Pharma | PBS | The Globe and Mail | Altis Labs | CNBC | The Wall Street Journal | @TheAiGrid |??ICT&health?|?VentureBeat


Ana Maria Palusci RN, PMP, MBA- Business Analytics, Applied AI/ML的更多文章

