??Paul Mort??
2X UK Mastercoach of the Year, Best Selling Published Author with Harper Collins and Keynote Speaker. I work with people who want to get their sh1t together and upgrade their lives. No Fluff, No BS, no happy-clappy.
If you haven't seen my now infamous 'cliff' video by now
you must be living under a rock
but I'll forgive you
anyhoo, as it sneaks ever closer to a million views on the olde Flakebook
it's started to attract the odd bell-end
Take this dude Dave Gowling who commented last week:
"Should have jumped"
Yep^ you read that right, brother
I mean, what the f*ck?
this guy must be some kind of f*ckwit
and upon checking out Dave's profile..
turns out he is just a sad, insecure, pr*ck
so whats the lesson here?
Well, it was never about me jumping...
it was never about me at all...
(even though at first, i felt like he was attacking me)
it WAS about Dave seeing the video and something me saying hitting him in the b*lls..
something I said triggered him and showed him a MIRROR
and his only way to respond?
making a r*tarded, rediculous comment that in the past would have had me slap the sh*t out of him
See, when people feel hurt by something someone else has said or done...
they try to HURT back
there's an old saying 'hurt people, hurt people' or at least try
and in this case its true
so what can you do?
well just consider that when people around you ARE making snide comments to you or about you
remember it's ALL about them
and their NEED to make themselves feel better
so don't take it personally
imagine how much energy and stress you'd save?
Paul 'f*ck Dave' Mort
PS- 2ND NOVEMBER <-- stick the date in your diary
THAT^^^ my friend, is the date of my next (AND FINAL) free online training this year