FCAS Markets – how they impact power systems
Bruce Miller
Connections Manager at Shell Power Systems | New Energy | Analysis | Economic and Mathematical Modelling | Policy
I have written some articles on power system frequency control some of which which are posted https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/system-frequency-what-doing-why-does-matter-bruce-miller/ and https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/power-system-analogies-bruce-miller/ . There is also a very good talk on the issue given by Kate Summers of Pacific Hydro which can been found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8mUu1ELL-o&feature=youtu.be .
These have looked at the FCAS scheme as it operates on the East Coast Power system of Australia from a technical viewpoint. In contrast, this article looks at the underlying market philosophy that is being applied and asks “is this an appropriate way to operate a power system?”
Frequency control on power systems is complex, both technically and in how the markets are meant to operate. Accordingly I often fall back on the use of imperfect analogies such as motorcycles, trains etc. In order to explain what I think is going on with the FCAS market, this article will also use an analogy which has been purloined from an economics text, which I think shows clearly how markets oftentimes lead to non-optimum outcomes.
Imagine a long beach which has a reasonably large population of sunbakers and swimmers spread evenly along its length. The beach has two ice cream vendors who set up stalls on the beach. It is obvious that the best locations for each vendor in order to supply their wares to the population of beach goers would be at the one quarter and three quarter marks. Each Vendor would then be located in the ideal position to supply half of the beach each, and the population of beach goers would need to walk no more than one quarter the length of the beach to get an ice cream.
Now introduce some competition between the ice cream Vendors and see how poorly thought through market mechanisms can muck up this optimum arrangement.
In order to sell more ice creams, it would make sense for one of the vendors (call her Alice) to move her stall closer to the centre of the beach. Then she would be closer to more of the beach population than the other vendor (call him Bob). She would sell ice creams to her half of the beach plus some of the population previously supplied by Bob. However he won’t take this lying down, he will now move his stall closer to the centre of the beach in order to prevent Alice from taking up to half of his customers.
The final result is that both Alice and Bob set up their stores at the halfway mark of the beach so that each is competing head to head. The customers lose out because they now need to walk further to get an ice cream (although this has unanticipated health benefits and the level of type 2 diabetes is reduced.)
This is quite a good analogy for various non-optimum outcomes that the last 20 years of the NEM has delivered, but in particular in the area of frequency control ancillary services.
Providing frequency control (more properly referred to as dynamic reserve) services costs money because:
- The plant has to be dispatched below its full output in order to be able to raise the system frequency, or
- If the frequency needs to be lowered, you have to reduce plant output and thus lose sales of energy (MWh)
In the beginning the designers of the market considered that many different generators would compete to provide FCAS services, and as a result they would arrive by market mechanisms at the optimum economic outcome overall. A complex scheme was arranged whereby so called “causers” of frequency changes would provide payments to units dispatched to respond to system frequency.
No one seems to understand exactly how this works although we have heard quite a few theories.
In actual fact as the market developed, the rules were changed – probably for what was considered good reasons at the time- which allowed owners of several generators to allocate ancillary services to specific units. This meant frequency control could become concentrated in a few units (often the ones which were less energy efficient), while the more energy efficient units could be run at full capacity.
Makes perfect economic sense – or does it? Similarly to the ice cream metaphor, the overall system is suffering as described below.
From a purely engineering viewpoint it would be preferable to spread the control function among as many units as possible because you don’t know ahead of time where you are going to need to respond. Also it is preferable that a large number of units respond as little as necessary, rather than have a few units respond a lot. This keeps the system humming along in reasonable balance rather than create a large change at a local point on the system, which risks overloading a network element.
However, the market is encouraging just the opposite behaviour. Concentrate your frequency control in only a few units – which allows you to operate everything else at energy optimum efficiency, and just to make sure they are not exposed to causer pays factors (discussed below) – switch off the control systems of the units you are operating to guarantee steady state output which ignores system frequency.
But there’s more. If you own lots of generators you can use this to your advantage. The market works on bid prices, not on actual costs. This allows you to designate one unit (say) to provide frequency control and charge what you like for that service. Meanwhile, all of your other units can be set up to be unresponsive to frequency changes so they don’t attract “causer pays” charges. Now , you get the benefit of receiving high ancillary services payments, you don’t attract causer pays charges, and with any luck your competitors will be forced to pay you whenever the frequency changes (which it does all the time due to control system errors, load changes and generator output changes), but you won’t have to pay them.
However your competitors are not going to take this lying down. They can see that you are getting the benefits of this approach, and there is nothing to stop them adopting the same strategy if they also have a fleet of generators – so they do. Just like the two ice cream sellers, they compete head to head to produce an outcome which causes extra costs, price inflation and poorer service delivery, and most importantly reduced power system security.
The final outcome being that ancillary service charges are often extremely high – and the delivered frequency control is worse. The east coast of Australia now has the worst frequency control of any power system in the developed world basically because of this perverse market behaviour.
So what? You may think, why worry about this? We can solve frequency control issues with high speed batteries, sophisticated demand management systems, maybe even governor control systems etc. etc. Yes we can, these are all effective technical solutions that will allow us control power system frequency efficiently and effectively.
But they won’t work.
They won’t work because the design of the FCAS market is fundamentally flawed in a similar way to the ice cream vendor market at the beach. It is failing to deliver because individual players are maximising their profits at the expense of all other participants.
There are clear inequalities emerging from this arrangement. Obviously you can only do this if you have fleet of dispatch able generation under your control, so if you own a small generator, or semi-dispatch able units (read wind and solar farms) you can’t play this game, but you will be expected to pay the price, and those costs ultimately get passed on to consumers electricity bill (about $ 200 Million in 2017, a lot of money to pay for what has been demonstrated to be degraded frequency control performance, the NEM had much better frequency control in the year 2000 at a fraction of the cost).
There is an easy way to fix the ice cream vendor market. The local council issues a bylaw so that the ice cream vendors are located at their optimal locations. This allows everyone easy access to ice cream, and also allows the vendors to sell more product. Everybody should be a winner.
Is there an easy way to fix the FCAS market?
I think so, for example:
- Stop calling it a frequency control ancillary services market, it doesn’t control frequency – it provides reserve (spinning reserve) so that power output from generation can be allocated away from the energy market to maintain system frequency. This is a subtle point, but if it is understood properly can help remove much of the confusion surrounding this topic.
- Redesign the spot market for reserve ancillary services
- Mandate and record governor/AVR/Inverter responses as part of the generator performance standards and commissioning tests
- Ensure all governor control systems are properly tuned and enabled to operate
- Do not allow bundling of reserve services across different power stations – although frequency control is global in nature, the frequency support should be local so the system can respond to local incidents effectively.
The control of frequency is essential for the proper and reliable operation – without it the system is unable to fulfil its primary operation of supplying power. Unfortunately it has been treated as if it was independent of the main energy market, as if frequency control is an optional extra.
It isn’t – without it the lights go out. Everywhere.
Post script : At the time I wrote this, the NEM experienced a major event which resulted in the loss of two interconnectors. QNI between NSW and QLD and the Heywood interconnector between SA and VIC. Under frequency load shedding operated which tripped industrial loads, and some suburbs in Sydney and Newcastle. People were stuck on trains due to signalling issues caused by loss of supply to parts of the Sydney train network. Would this have happened if we had better frequency control?
Better frequency control would not have prevented the interconnectors from tripping ( I understand QNI tripped due to Lightning, why Heywood tripped at time of writing seems to have been due to operational decisions), but better frequency control would have reduced or even eliminated the load shedding operation. It is quite probable that industrial loads may have tripped but that suburban loads would have remained connected. People stuck on trains would have been able to get to the airport on time.
It took about an hour to reestablish QNI, perhaps the period of time could have been reduced if the system frequencies of NSW and QLD were able to be better controlled.
Study Team Lead - HVDC integration
6 年Looks like it is impacting new entrants...!! https://amp.afr.com/news/aemo-imposes-tough-conditions-on-new-wind-and-solar-in-victorias-full-grid-20181012-h16l0h
Excellent Article
Navigating the Energy Transition
6 年Thanks for the informative article Bruce. I just hope the ice cream vendors are using solar refrigeration to stop the ice creams melting!
Grid Commercial Specialist at RES Australia Pty Ltd
6 年Its a shame investors and regulators don't seem to understand what system security is and how dynamic? a power system is. I have been to too many forums where these people seem to thing that power generator is a plug-and- play thing.
Network Connections Manager
6 年HI Bruce from a purely power system perspective mandating that generators that can provide these capabilities as you say is probably the best option. However if the capability is then removed from the energy market there should be fair compensation. The growth of renewable energy sources is likely to lead to greater need for these services.?