FBI’s top domestic terrorism concerns for 2018
Henry Morgenstern
Counter Terror training, consulting, contributing to the Global War on Terror
By Kate Irby
Fresno Bee
Radicalized individuals — not teams of trained operatives — are the terror threats that most worry federal law enforcement agencies as the calendar turns to 2018.
Combating them is challenging, since many give little indication they’re planning an attack in the first place.
FBI Director Christopher Wray has indicated the FBI considers the most pressing domestic terrorism threats to be homegrown violent extremists radicalized by ISIS and other radical Islamist groups, as well as lone wolf attackers who aren’t connected to any other actors or groups. Cultists, “sovereign citizens” who don’t believe government constraints apply to them and those motivated by racial animus are a lesser but persistent concern, according to the bureau.
Matthew Heiman, a former lawyer with the National Security Division at the Department of Justice, agrees with Wray that homegrown Islamist extremists are the top threat.
“If you look at the numbers, the repetition and the consistency, I think that’s No. 1 by a long stretch,” Heiman said, citing attacks in San Bernardino, Orlando, Fort Hood and the recent attacks in New York City. While other attacks happen every year, Heiman said other movements are not as consistent.
Some object to the categories as artificial and counterproductive. “There’s this focus on categorizing ideology, rather than focusing on methodology for committing these acts of violence. It springs from this necessity to categorize in order to distribute resources in an organized way, but we then come to believe those categories are real,” said Michael German, a former FBI official who worked in counterterrorism. “This whole concept of a radical Islam, which includes very different groups such as ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah...it has nothing to do with keeping Americans safer.”
Read more news: https://homelandsecuritynet.com/blog/entry/fbi-s-top-domestic-terrorism-concerns-for-2018