FB Feed Changes: Cue Panic... or Embrace the Change?
Zoe Bermant
CEO at ZoecialMedia | #Carouself?? founder | Organic Social Media is about more than just the post | @zoecialmedia | @SeeTheGood | @HumanityPOV
Facebook announced that they are making sweeping changes to the way we see content in our personal feeds this week. And I say it's about time!!
Here's why...
We are not all the same type of consumer:
There are always those that are on Facebook for the friendships, the birthday messages, the happy news, the funny life moments. There are those that are there to read an interesting article, see some trends, laugh at a video, buy a product, engage with a brand. And then there are those that will happily, and in equal measure, do both! Facebook until now has made the decisions for us on what type of person you should be, and has let the algorithm decide for you. 100% of frustration with Facebook comes from people not understanding or embracing the algorithm and working with it to optimize their own feed experience to see more and more of what you want to see.
What Good Social Media Managers and Publishers Need to Do:
Embrace the change. Work with it to find out how best to optimize it so that you are beating the rest, who are either too lazy or too busy complaining, to be able to figure out how to engage your consumers in this new way.
What good Facebook Users Need to Do:
Enjoy! Finally Facebook is going back to the fun news feeds we used to have 15 years ago. Where you could poke a friend because you wanted them to be thinking about you, or where connecting with old school friends meant more than just having one of them randomly see and like a post about something totally not related to your relationship with them. Who knows what the change will look like, but I say bring it on... for too long we have all been moaning that we don't see enough content from the people we want, while business are moaning that not enough people are seeing their content. It just doesn't make ANY sense and Facebook are right to fix it. What Facebook is doing is giving the consumer the right to choose what they want to consume and how!
What Facebook Needs to Do:
Give the user the ability to choose, on an even deeper (not AI or ML or Algorithm) level, what they are interested. Its stupid to keep feeding a user an ad for a new car based on a search they did for a new car, months after they have already bought said new car, because your algorithm has no way of knowing that about the user. Let the consumer, who wants to, choose what commercial content to be shown... Make the advertiser pay premium to target these people so that the ad revenue is based on clear targeting FACT and not some wishy washy algorithm that classifies someone by "interest" or "demographic." As both a super consumer on Facebook and the manager of over 40 brand pages for my clients. I can guarantee you that the users will appreciate it more and the advertisers, although paying more per leed, will be getting better value. It's a WIN WIN!!.
Be the Change:
Change happens - you can spend hours, days, weeks , months or years moaning about it. Or you can be like me and work on understanding it and capitalizing on it, so that you leave the moaners behind.
Bring it on Facebook! ...and thank you!
(PS: The irony is not lost on me that I am writing an article about Facebook and publishing on LinkedIn. But who knows where I will publish this in the future, that's the beauty of change)