Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
Commonwealth's Alpha0 story - mother earth's greatest place leader was hiding in plain sight - thank you for everything Elizabeth Regina, and for the wicked sense of humor naming you son after "free man" in german, and lets celebrate the critical role the 3 main old world kingdoms have yet to play up - UK, Japan, Netherlands as Asia's two thirds of humans share sustainability solutions with a world where the G8 (mainly white and about 8% of human beings) beyond the 2 pesky islands that divided up coastlines until world war2 dont seem to have learnt anything over a century about the risks of central european corridor (Germany Austria Hungary Russia) nor Von Neuman's win-win game theory imperatives which from Kennedy's death stopped being truly mapped by the over-managed heads of france & italy , usa , canada
of course if you like intelligence curiosities you may also want to match up 20 something Victoria and Elizabeth - having seen the french cut of royal heads , Victoria accepted London Scot James Wilson ideas on pretraining transformation from empire to commonwealth; she helped his royal society newsletter (The Economist from 1843) boot out of parliament the corn law lobbyists thus ending starvation of half of the irish; and then sent James to charter the people's bank for the quarter of humans on the idia subcontinent; yera 1 went well but then james acd charter bank died of diarrea in calcutta 1860; from where the worlds worst corporation east indies company saw its chance to sail round the se asian peninsular with its steam boats and impose opium as the trading currency on the chiense who courageously closed up trade for 110 years rather than become the opiod nation; unlike elizabeth, victoria didnt continue the stamina of public leadership while letting the economist (james son-in-law bagehot) continue to reform the english constitution; so teh world of powerful place leaders for good had to wait for queen elizabeth's example, and the third of infants who died in humid rural areas from diarrhea jhad to wait until 1972 (oral rehydration - one of rural womens happiest and most productive ever 30 cooperation networks) and the most extraoridnary nation building revolutions of woem empowered bangladesh
it took between spring 2016 in dhaka to spring 2023 in new york via a bit of chat gpt to navigate the map at article's top- for ppt version rsvp [email protected] or join our 16th annual new york collaboration cafe festival march 20-25 or nove over to these googlegroups
upd 3/16 with chat4 can you summarise action consequence of first year of US national AI coordinated round
The first year of the US national AI coordinated round, which began in May 2021, focused on several key actions and their consequences, including:
Overall, the actions taken in the first year of demonstrate a strong commitment to advancing AI research and development in the US, while also ensuring that AI is developed and deployed responsibly and ethically. These efforts have the potential to significantly impact the future of AI and its role in shaping society.
latest us-camtab scholar X 1 gatescambridge; latest rhodes
ED - NEUmann: extinction would be a very big maths error- so can you help changeteacher curate some sources to keep in touch with to eaise chnaces of millennials being first sd gen - ed3 africa: einstein moringa; sci-summit 1 - MD library on month -feb (UN 0 1
When it comes to Great Public Servants Her Majesty was in a beloved class of her own. Bon courage -may the King's English linkin 2020s millennials to something altogether more sustainable than the PC Diary (2022-1948) era was capable of. Back when you were in playschool the Goats of maths (<a >Neumann</a> Einstein et al) shared their concerns on greatest risks to humanity:
their energy project would make scientists both the most hated and wanted of people
their computing/AI project would compound even more intergenerational and transnational risks and ops by early 21st c
Wizard Maths (hearts and brains) would be needed to address the key question of all good media- what goods can peoples unite wherever they have access to 100 times more tech per decade?
Fast forward to what futures 2023 will compound: Here are our first 2 concepts for testing MathsDaos - please say if you can add one [email protected] 23cvmac.docx
MathsDaos1 is simple - can we vote for eg top 100 mathematics magicians of all time and clarify who's who of tutoring millennials as freely as possible on how to connect these magicians logic. Africa has a wonderful network which lit up Washington DC human intellects at the National Press Club. Alongside Einstein my family has helped Von Neumann family since 1951 with both biographic 1 and Economic 1 interpretations of his main maths magics; who else do you nominate in all time maths daos hall of fame : turing, newton, wolfram .... archimedes (pi), pythagoras , Descartes (maps truth), ... top 100 ?? (and right now who do you and web3 click to get virtually free coach-connections with maths magic)??? [email protected]
MathsDao2 is more detailed. What maths is needed to leap beyond extinction in these troubling 2020s? Can economists and public servants get out of their offices and design win-win maps with communities all across the lands and oceans of mother earth? If not, how do we the peoples free ourselves from these harbingers of extinction? My father Norman would have been 100 in 2023 and you could say he spent his life searching for the maths of There are times such as now when its simplest to explain what your family tree's learning curve across generations and worldwide search has found in celebrating natural/good sense across the world as opposed to finding academic referees confirming wisdom fits their conventions My family's maps show that both cooperation and competition can spiral advances or collapses in humanity. And right now extinction is a risk compounding through too little cooperation
In one way Adam Smith 1758 first mediated cooperative, natural and moral sentiments of market design in 1758; so I am hugely grateful to Glasgow University Union co-sharing their 265th moral sentiments summit june 2023 with dads centenary year. Greatly thankful too for 15 years spent by Smithian scholars since (subprime's war on youth began 2008) and through this time scholars have curated the 30 most exciting cooperation cases of billion poorest womens empowerment over last half century providing space for this through launching 2 journals : new economics and social business 1 2 In these 2020s we can now fully sense how quality of parenting ( most deeply expressed in the love of family building) values our species at its most naturally cooperative however much this conflicts with money mens 90 day accounting and counting up Gross national Products in which time spent in nurturing family is devalued because its not counted.
Since Economist Founder James Wilson began to ask queen victoria in 1843 if she wanted to rule over slave making empire which was also starving people in its colonies, its taken to near ned of 20th C to reach this understasnding of how goals multiply
Every time your nightly news gurus say hooray nation grew by blah blah we have no detailed knowledge how much youth growth was lost (even as this loss accelerated during covid the biassed news anchors painted state of nations by numbers) . What if gov2.0 included techfor good and education as potentially way above zero-sum games as long as we integrate real codes of deep village data on food health edu and she-too parenting culture. (OK this may mean govermnents need to get better statisticians and tech people than corporations on these 4 most basic markets of how youth grow but if they cant do that what on earth does any gov criticise another's human tights until it can ? And you can be sure as devils live in hell or details that the artificial intelligences will get the wrong idea if government intel cant get these basics right)
Ler's have another go at celebrating how the world goes round. If you look at how old and new worlds were assembled from 1500 empires were first built on ships of war and slavery which my family of Diaspora Scots does not like. Seemingly telecommunications were the first worldwide business sector that relied on cooperation as well as competition. There's no value in multiple transmission standards of telegraphs or telexes or telephones or radios or radars or television or satellite telecoms ...Since 1865 Switzerland's ITU has been the global hub of mediating these cooperation technologies - albeit sectors that also depend on how nations structure the commons of their airwaves
Unfortunately it may not be a coincidence that after the first 80 yeras of telecoms tech, mainly 8 empires asymmetries had staged 2 world wars. Apparently this represented the most advanced 20% of human intellects;maps in 1945 show as many as 80% of peoples had no access to electricity grids let alone telecoms.
My dad spent his last days as a teen navigatir allied bomber command burma- so he had google maps in his head of how by that time mainly British and Japanese empires had taken over Asia's coastal belts for trades that benefited these 2 empires not the peoples of the continent of Asia. Dad was grateful to survive the war and to complete his education with 3 extraordinary coaches: keynes cambridge, Geoffrey Crowther who had just edited The Economist's Cenenary Autobio and then in 1951 Princeton's Von Neumann
anyone with good news for 2023- my family has just agreed partnership remembering norman macrae's centenary year and everyone who has ever been inspired by Adam Smith - 265 he year of moral sentiments market design
ED: From 1843 The Economist founder James Wilson (fan of adam smith moral sentiments and jb Say originator of entrepreneurship) started dialogues with London's Royal Societies and Queen Victoria: how to change the constitution from the immorality of slave trades and trade designed to extract to win-win possibilities of sharing advanced knowledge win-wins- since the mid 19th c, there have been 6 eras when leaps in tech communications/computations have offered humans a chance to leap forward or get entangled in wars driven by luddites; in our experience no one person has clarified these more than sir fazle abed- bac=k in 1970 he was still a regional ceo for one of the 7 carbon oil comapnies - royal dutch sheell- then wjhen a ,ocal cyc,one killed a million compastriotsd around sheells local office he dedicated teh rest of his life to helping up to a billion vilage mothersd end poverty to meet Von Neumann in Princeton in 1951. Neumann asked dad and Economist journalist to mediate next 80 yeras of 100 times more tech per decade- what goods could peoples unite? If 80 years of telecoms had ended in 2 world wars, Neumann was concerned with what 80 years of building Artificial Intellects would result in. By the 2020s (as we now know 8 billion) human intelllects are surrounded by almost infinite AI intellects- and its these AI which get first dibs in bemaing up and down behavioral as well as natural dat from every GPS on the planet. So in our view intellect design aka computational technolgies interactions needs cooperation goods to lead ahead ot competition mapping. This brings us to a thirdf maths of currencies. As you probaby know the first governed worldwide curency was designed by english mahematician newton although it could be said that some oriental spices were already currencies. What fascinates me from my familiy's many generations of trying to bridge Asian and Western races is noting how a portable spice can add value the further it is distributed (ie be a win-win currency) whereas the western view of global papre currencies is extremely zero sum (or worse below that when sytsemic colapse happens be that subprimed, crypred, dotbombed... Arguably spoves most extrordinary story as a currency ois how Netherlands swapped new York for Britain promising Dutch peaceful trade of nutmeng out of Indonesia. Today this has led to Britain Japan Neterlands backing a billion womens cooperation in ending poverty since 1970 in ways not yet understood by western universities. see anedmooc and the stiry of new universities since 2001 (the meta-cooperation of everyone who has ever beein spired to partner sir fazle abed)
Anyway mathsdao1 seeks to understand better good and bad competition and cooperation; and to explore whether this is now mapped by those who apply UN2 digital roadmapping
e knowledge of siar fazle abed became the basis of un2 and how yout design web3 from 2016 - we discuss this at
prince charels knoghted fazle abed for his foundationa work - 25 yerasd of building aprtensrhipplatforms with vilage moethers whose community building was without electricity grids in other words aid 1.0 to aid 2.0 ; what partenrs abed soufght from 1996 when a japanese compaby in silocon valled instaleld bracmet are more complex-go here for m(o)ore
There have been 6 six eras where advances in medi could have dhared life critical konwhow inThey were the 2 most exciting dialogues of our lives - sadly dad (Order Rising Sun & CBE) didnt get to his 2 remembrance parties kindly hosted by Japan Ambassador and chaired by chief brainstormer sir fazle abed 1 2:
Breaking at 23 state of web3 youth - we revisit what started in bangladesh 13 and calcutta 162 years ago (death of Economist founder James of diarrhea after his first review of the state of a quarter of human's taxes - aka queen victoria's charter bank)-- could friends of neumann's
Or if you prefer starts friends20 quest a hundred yeras ago
Friends: its time for web3 (1 2 3) to change everything non-sustainable about web1,2 - with the economist dad & I have been on billion times more tech's story since 1984's 2025 report , since 1951 Von Neumann & dads work linking in by way of Japan 1962 with Prince Charles 1964+ - all of asia rising 1977... -latest good news Hong Kong this month- join latest digital cooperations INNO:ning; whatsapp:worldclassdaos; can young professionals be best public servants world seen since QE2? [email protected]
welcome to human development economics inspired by women empowerment, 3 royal families, (dad met von neumann in 1951 and was told the economist journalists should ask what cooperations round good/education could peoples do with 100 times more tech/Intel per decade starting with satellite telecoms and silicon valleys, 1964 connecting best for asia cooperations - borlaug and deming were already helping japan korea south taiwan hk and singapore women end poverty
2020s hi can we connect? Dad at The Economist?surveys with von neumann on tech for good 70 years ago. $0 years ago?my research linked his with women empowering media. We see sustainability depends on metaverse womens kindness. Main cooperations NY HK Scot Bangladesh & UN. Can we hele each other? chris (We are also interested in worldwide scaling and maths for ending exponential risks - if the metaverse fails to scale these, humans may not have a bats chance in hell
see music for and now connecting peoples without frontieres 24/7 - please tell us if you know of cooperations that would like to join in
By 1980, banking's first DAO with over 50000 female members was set up by former Royal Dutch Shell engineer Fazle Abed- See Martha Chen's Quiet Revolution. In those days village moms didn't have electricity let alone computing. They grew to develop the 90% rural nation's education health and agricultural systems until digital and solar cooperation platforms were built to start 21st C.
Then they celebrated start of 21st C by demanding the first Cooperation University: the first university where graduates share sdgs solution with all interested female grads around the world.
It is unclear whether Charles or Dutch or Japanese Royal families were first to encourage all of us to learn about Decentralised Cooperation as integral to celebrating milllennials as first Sustainability Generation.
Go(o)d Bless the King & all who's brains are coded by English!: & Glasgow MES would like to thank Fazle Abed oops hello Python
INTRO 2020s most exciting decade to be alive cos last we can return species to sync with mother earth
WCD related info for king charles co-puzzlers & players: every year since 2012 (jyk arrival at world bank) different ideas have been presented by west's multilaterals to younger half of the world asking for their cooperation in sustainability- I for one am very confused (help welcome 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12)
related curates emerging community treasuries by sdg - help welcomed -we are also developing tour guide -we'd love consumer reports of the kind that would make fazle abed or QE2 or KC3 smile! [email protected] thanks to WRJ hero Sir Fazle Abed, the most cooperative netowk system ever humanised is 50 years old- see
Half a century ago in 1972 two cooperations for humanly sustainable roadmapping began: their destinations have become exponentially more relevant every year and can now be seen to be embedded in?the 9 playing pieces of UN secretary generals digital roadmaps of un2 (and all egov) eg twitter globaldigital2022 with wonderful co-hosting of pax mongolia 2.0. Timing in the 21st C has so far played very cruel games on massive youth populations. Yet, somehow 22-23 the stars are shining with G20 indonesia in 22 and G20 India in 23, with coordinator of tech envoy being from India and his two youngest cooperation networkers being from singapore and (I think) hong kong. If the west could just listen to solutions from the Asian two thirds of humanity for one year we might pick up where James Wilson (founder of Economist in 1843) and Queen Victoria left off in 1860-?Smithian alumni James had been asked by Victoria to start up the entrepreneurial revolution of charter bank by and for the peoples of the indian subcontinent. James arrived in Calcutta (then asia's only superport in 1860) but he did after 9 months of diarrhea. We can note 3 aspects of the relay that Fazle Abed's women started 112 years later:
network oral rehydration to save up to a third of people in the tropics from dying of diarrhea massively in infancy?
financial systems designed for village mothers to sustainably develop intergenerational community (as well as the deepest data mapping that implies)
Can 2020s free education to get back to my family's visiosn inspired and partly co-edited by von neumann since 1951 , fazle abed since 1970 and others at and
abed's family had organised trade from calcutta across the bay of bengal which was cruelly destroyed in the way britain partitioned the subcontinents independence; the half century of billion women roadmapping of fazle abed combines 2 very different regions - his homeland bangladesh 8th largest population still without access to superport; anywhere in the tropics where superport economies and rural villager economics have come together over the last 50 ye for win-win trading - no wonder abed's last decade gave priority to intel chat with ambassadors all across this most populated, naturally harmonious and fastest changing rural-urban cooperation hub of above zero sum world trading.?see eg singapore's goal 6 cooperation (alumni of and BOPhub as one leadership initiative directly inspired by bangladesh and india womens infeastructure banking needs
For those who prefer to go back 71 years also blend with the question von neumann asked economist journalists to start scooping in 1951 what goods or moral sentiments will people compound with 100 times more tech every decade through the century 1930s to 2020s- no wonder this decade is the most exciting time to be alive. To be or oit to be has become the digital cooperation question of 8 billion human intels as well as all the support we can muster from community treasuries and curation of sdgs like and sophia humanoids progeny across metaverse's new (women empowering) world should parents choose to value such lovequotient??
The Economist Started the genre of Future History (xmas issue 1972)
What became the billion poorest Asian village mothers tropical cooperation networks started mobilising around - Abed had been Royal Dutch Shell's leading young Asian oil company engineer (ceo east pakistan) when a million of his compatriots were killed around him by a cyclone - a life changing moment, Before Europe melted down round Putin, Guterres in fall 2022 had declared this 50th year as one of examining why education is not fit for millennials purpose. His search continues wity 22-23 asking why the future is not sustainability fit for any human being's purpose
The clues may all be found from 5 community treasuries a billion women organised around fazle abed and 6 cooperation platforms they invited us all to web
Five community treasuries and social business solutions
systems of water
systems of community round motherly dynamics of human development systems of livelihood education
systems of last mile health services - geared initially to bring tropical villages from 25 years below media world life expectancy to within 5 years
The first tow cooperation platforms 1972-1996 south partnerships from the worlds wealthiest and formally most knowledgeable with villagers who had been left out of engineering and electricity grids
the this platform brougth deep data webs through first partners in mobile and solar from 1996
the 4th partnership conceived a new national university whose female graduate alumni aimed to partner all female graduates valuing sustainability most of all
the 5th cooperation platform aimed to connect the more rural half of thee world in coding climate adaptation and natural harmony (something adam smith began system mapping in his 1758 treatise on moral sentiment market transparenyc)
the 6th cooperation can now be thought of as integrating with un2 roadmapping - it suggests
celebrating meta future designs we can make from 22-23 onwards whether these are the most exciting stmories ever webbed with UN tech experts and Xprize 20th hosting of revolutionary innovation(also embedded in aiforgood of the un envoy's geneva ITU technologists since 2018)
founding the community treasuries around billion womens 5 core value chains corresponding to sdg 6 5 4 3 2
joining in the 6 cooperations which any asian ambassador who met fazle abed in his last decade will remember being what he searched for cooperative futurisers of
ITs all there in the maps of alumni of fazle abed including the first billion asian women to do the work.
system of human energy - ie agriculture for nutritional food security locally
some latest chatters rsvp [email protected]
hello could I intro you and ask some questions ahead of my trip to honk kong oct3 and ny oct10- I was due to meet jeanne nov 2019 but then riots and abeds illness cancelled (see yidans big news this week with stanford) and my trip- john and i met jeanne on her first post covid global tour spring 2022; back at start of 2010s when my dad Economist's Norman died, japan ambassador bangladesh hosted 2 brainstorming diners with fazle abed and he explained how after 30 years of billion village mother cooperation platforms to end poverty 1972-2001 - he; had started up women kindness university bracU 2001; jeanne started curating womens kindness by placing robot sophia as un envoy but has since got tired of 7 suitcases needed to platform sophia world turs when anime zbee can metaverse kind common sense (EI&AI) everywhere 24/7; whence = worlds number 1 women kindness NFT; vincent was headhunted by aded from shenzen-HK system (as well as 3 doictirates mit yale berkeley where he lodged with yellen and his familys residence as a taiwanese american in LA)-....................................................................................................................... so question 1 is there anyone to try and meet in Hong Kong next week; I am creating a naughty king charles puzzles home page at with some more puzzles including who will be youths best storyteller for each goal hosted out OF LA by xprize and out of Geneva UN ITU and AIforgood. This puzzle piece matches what my farther was first instructed by von neumann in 1951 to jouranlise what good will hum,ans do with 100 tie more AI every decade and dad shared that with prince charles in time for his 1964 tokyo olympics it seems the english language mindset and its awkwaed lack of smihian common sense is spiraling near terminal states unless we can free abed and jeannes girls kindness cultures aka jack ma loveq urgently? what do you all say? John has over 50 years mediating humanity's stories and music out of flatiron recording studio soundtrackny- when I first met vincent in 2019 we launched global broadway cooperations with japans number 1 global finance mediator and host of who's recently moved from NY to London
Help sought updating mapping 22 years of geonomic surveys my father published at the Economist between 1955 ( only journalist at birth of Eu Messina) and 1977 - concluding curveys on futures of lives of half of humanity living east o0f Iran
By 1962 father's survey of japan suggested that a triangularisation of 3 financial economies might be more sustainable than the G* one which had ended in world war 2; to that which remained from how g8 saw on shipping channels ; dad added coastal roadsters economy started out of japan but already extending through us peace umbrella to korea s and taiwan and soon to need hong kong ans singapore at the greatest trading islands cross-seas the world will ever see
the third economy far smallest but far deepest in ending poverty and numbers of lives is villages and other places that are either landlocked or deprived of access to a superport
notably 80% of world trade is shipped - so the maps between ports and your other transport infrastructures and where peoples live matter; what was fascinating about japan's innovation was its hi-tech companies assembling supply chains of thousands of parts found it more economic to include parts from other sea-neighboring nations now containerisation made docking 10 times more efficient ,and given sea routes are cheaper and more ecologically as long as you can plan say 30 days ahead of time- in other words you only need logsistics to supply in under 30 days when a component is perishable or knowledge gets out of date!
although i might choose another labeling system if i started again in 2020s you will see that at linkedin i have made some starting maps round
we have prop0sed a web 3 twitterversal where good news connections are identifiable separately from zero sum or hatred communications - so if you are a human whose family tree loves 2 or more places - please help us understand win-win connections between the place you care abiout or other places that become intermediary if coastal maps matter
#br1 - all primary coastal connections either south pf japan or east of singapore
#br2 all coastal connection nw of singapore - -effectively the india subcontinent where quarter of humans were once empired over by britannia- some people appear to call this south asia or the indo component of the pacific ocean
#br3 = russia's coastlines and peoples trading possibilities
#br4 landlocked central and east europe and non-chinese asian continent including south europe and eg turkey's crosstoads to asia but not the "stans" which we put in
#BR7 with the middle east (west asia) -world class end poverty partner Abdul Latif (or what could be called west asia) -congrats #BR71 abu dhabi expo, triangle with NYU and Shanghai engineers; #br70 uae cop28; crypto hq binance #BR72 qatar wise/wish; womens education campus- un sdg advocate sheika moza; #br73 israel
... #br10 slovenia #br9 Barcelona #Br8 Rome - host un goal 2 food wfp & ; hub of club of rome & world peace laures summit; vatican uni pewmiosciacca
#br6= north america
#br8=med sea facing nations (yes this double counts some nations but i am concerned with how this has become the sea of refugee
#br9 = africa #br91 Egypt conrats cop27 #br92 Ethiopia #br93 Kenya (Unhabitat) #br94 rwanda #br95 nigeria #bt96 algeria #be97 ...
#br10 = latin (central &south) america
it was logical in 1977 when my father surveyed china to ask how would #br0 fit in -for over 110 years the chinese mainland had preferred to close itself off than to accept britannia's 1960 ultimatum to accept opium as a currency - from every human point I applaud this courageous decision and so the 20% of humans living in poverty inside china were extraordinary to map futures of #BR0 :01 Beijing 02 Shanghai 03 Shenzen 04 Hangzhou ...05 Taiwan 06...
#BE00 Mongolia host with UNtech envoy globaldigoital2022
please note - these are just naiive ways of beaming up co-creative ideas from different gps on earth- I really dont see how most education/sustainability challenges can be transparently data mapped for artificial intel to help human intel unless we are free to discuss geonomics separately from political overlays that have so far spiralled viciously in web1 and web 2 worlds but which web3 youth need to be free to beam-me up scotty to make friends of digital cooperation wherever your next child is born
I will be trying to develop extended coordinates - so eg #br1j japan jost of 2025 kyoto expo- comtributor to lead data piece osaka track of UN2 Codes; also main investir in 14 UNU coleges connections with AI - naixus #br1k korea BRInesia - gost of 2022 G20; -s br1.1 singapore br1.2 hong kong br1.3 asean as invited by singapore ...
all constructive comments /questions welcome [email protected]
3/16 how fast can web3 unite its generation - guest guide
?? The?Monterrey Institute of Technology is experimenting?with a library in the metaverse
?? Forbes continues?its coverage?of VictoryXR’s metauniversity project
???A platform launches?to provide opportunities for musicians in the web3 ecosystem
???An event invites?a Duke professor to talk about the transition from web2 to web3 year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Ignorance linker?,
2 年 Q&A did 1984/5 books say Americans got all of HERstory https://www.abedmooc.comhistory muddled? Worse: as King Charles known 16 yo trip Tokyo Olympics 1964 --all English language versions no common sense since 1758- Adam Smith wrote last history before start of engines. NOW! futures of first mathematicians invent computers aka Artificial Intel. Future maps making good sense of AI emerged Un tech envoy 2016- - why first book called 2024 report?.. dad started writing 40 year future histories in 1972 - at the economist where he worked he was permitted to sign one survey a year - he had believed computers were changing everything since 1951 when he met in princeton von neumann who invented computers (after retirement 1990 dad did biography of von neumann but at the economist dad was always trying to ask leaders what future are we designing for our kids - so 40 years is about whether education is what childrens future needs; far more copies of books were published as 2025 report -which is probably a better name and what the book was called when published with american spellings in 1985 more