Fawlty Towers 2

Fawlty Towers 2


I rode my bike that afternoon for the first time since I’d fallen off a few weeks earlier.?I had tried to pass a slow group, ?and slid off the trail. My front tire had hit a hole, stopping my momentum. I flew over my handlebars, cracking my helmet on the crushed stone.

The accident had reminded me that on a bike, and in life, as long as you were going forward, you weren’t falling over. This was true no matter how fast or slow you went.

The trouble, I thought, is you might wobble a little when you go slow, or get scared when you feel you’re going too fast.?You’re tempted to stop and put your feet down. If you do, life, like the other riders on a bike trail, ?passes you by.

?“Gotta keep moving,” I said to my bike. “Please, no sudden stops today, OK?”

?Today I will move forward.

?Fawlty Showers 2 is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.

Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:




