Fawlty Showers
This Too Shall Pass
Katy took a sick day. Sensing nobody manned the front desk, the entire drinking/drugging community called.
Cuddles vomited a hairball and half a mouse onto my desktop.
Dana’s daughter, the princess, showed up, boyfriend in tow, prom shoes in hand, crying and demanding Dana take her shopping. Dana threw a donut at her.
A stomach bug making its way through the dorms had sickened half the group.
The crew foreman working outside informed us he had to shut off the water for a couple hours. We wouldn’t be able to flush our toilets until lunchtime.
They began breaking up the sidewalk with jackhammers just as Abigail started running her group. Every time she spoke the rat-a-tat-tat drowned her out.
“This too shall pass,” I said to my laptop. I felt a rumbling in my stomach. “Uh oh.”
Today I will remember this too shall pass.
Fawlty Showers is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at:
- www.greenbriartraining.com
- https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001K8MG0S
- https://www.pinterest.com/kenmontrose/mt-rose/