Fawlty Showers
I saw the number pop up on my phone and cringed. Every year my friend and his wife gave up alcohol for Lent. She did it for religious reasons. He tried to prove he had no problem with alcohol.
‘No booze during Lent,’ he wrote. ‘Goes to show we’re both just social drinkers.’
I texted, ‘She enjoys a glass of wine with pasta. You get drunk and eat Spaghettios from the can at 3:00 a.m.’
‘Exaggeration,’ he texted.
‘When she wants a glass during Lent, she says a little prayer and orders a coke. You drive everyone up the wall fidgeting and bragging about how you don’t need alcohol.’
No reply.
I continued, “On Easter Sunday your wife will drink a glass with her meal. You will pass out and call it a ‘nap’ and/or vomit ham into the hedges.’
He texted, “Bye.”
“Similarities fuel denial,” I said to my laptop. “He thinks he’s a social drinker because they both gave up booze for Lent. He’s like the abusive dad who thinks he’s just like his neighbor who believes in a little discipline, or the glutton who calls himself a gourmet.”
Today I will beware of the similarities.
Fawlty Showers is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: