Fawlty Showers
Step 10
“Speaking of diets,” Dr. Deb said, “half the pie is gone. You know, the one I bought yesterday.” She shot me a disapproving look.
“Odd,” I said, avoiding any further eye contact. “But, the kids still have house keys. I’m pretty sure TyGuy and CharChar know the garage door code. One of them must have sneaked in during the day and eaten it.”
I turned back to see if she was buying it. Her concerned expression told me she wasn’t.
“Isn’t there something in the Twelve Steps about admitting when you’re wrong?”
“There used to be,” I said, “but they took it out. There are only eleven steps now.”
She didn’t buy that story either.
I finally admitted I ate half a pie, and given my family history of heart disease and diabetes, it was the wrong thing to do.
Today I’ll promptly admit it when I’m wrong.
Fawlty Showers is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: