Fawlty Showers
Ba, Bi, Be, Bo, Bu, …
That evening I was feeling restless. “I’m going to the gym,” I said to Dr. Deb.
I got on the treadmill. I had every reason to be grateful, but I just wasn’t feeling it, given the financial troubles at work.
“When you’re not feeling grateful is the best time to do a gratitude list,” my first sponsor had told me.
I started with a list of vowel consonant combinations as I cranked up the speed to a slow crawl.
Ba – bacon, what else could ‘ba’ be?
Be – Beverly, sure my sister had dumped eggs on my head when we were kids, but that was fifty years ago. I was willing to let it go, soon.
Bi- Bike, I loved my bike, despite the seat’s efforts to render me a soprano.
Bo-Books, loved to read them, hoped someday to sell some of my own.
When I got to ‘zu’, I said to the treadmill, “Zoos.” The machine chirped and I added, “Spelling doesn’t count.”
Today I’ll write a really, really, long gratitude list.
Fawlty Showers is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and anyone you might know is purely coincidental.
Other works by Ken Montrose are available at: